Chapter Five

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"I got this old guitar, the strings are rusty

But it's all I need, bring in the kick drum

It can back the beat, let's gather round and sing a song

I got a shaker too, the kinds of sound, that wants to make you move

Bring in the uke, it will complete the groove, let's gather round and sing a song

There's no worries on the earth tonight, we're all walkin' off the world tonight

Come on now everyone yeah, come on now everyone

We're like a locomotive, under the big hot sun

We're chained to the gang of rhythm, the song is never done

Come on now everyone yeah, come on now everyone, come on everyone"

There we were. Gunnar, Aimee, Peter, and I in my small little flat enjoying playing some music. Aimee loved playing her purple ukulele, while Gunnar proudly thumped on his drum box for some rhythm. Peter and I played the guitar and sang along to "The Gang of Rhythm". Although Peter was much better at playing the guitar than me, I was glad that I was even able to do a few chords. Niall had been teaching me and I felt compelled to show of my new talent.

Finishing up the end of the song, Peter smiled, "That was awesome! Who's up for starting a YouTube channel?"

"Oh please, we barely have time as it is." Gunnar rolled his eyes.

Peter's eyebrows narrowed, "Don't kill the dream, man."

Patting Peter's back, I asked, "Anybody up for some scones? Variel made some yesterday. They're super good." 

The boys shot up their hands with drooling mouths. Aimee agreed to it after I told her all the ingredients were gluten free. "Speaking of Variel," Peter began, "Where is she?"

"Well I have no--"

"She's at a party." Aimee interrupted me, "I heard her talking about it today in Algebra."

Passing around the jelly filled scones, I felt a little hurt. Variel promised that she'd hang out with us tonight. After all, she'd been going to a party practically every night, I was surprised she was able to wake up every morning with such energy. But before I could think any more on the subject, I heard a knock at the door.

"If it's the cops, my name is Paul not Peter!" Peter joked.

Sticking my tongue at him, I opened the door to find Liam, Louis, and Niall. "We want food." Louis said wide eyed, "I've been recording all day, and I'm starving!" He walked in and laid on the empty couch and closed his eyes. A second later, Louis opened his eyes and looked around, "I didn't know you had company!"

Niall wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear, "I tried telling him that you had guests over tonight, but you know how Louis is."

I nodded my head, "It's fine. I'm pretty sure my friends will be more than happy to meet you boys, right, guys?"

Aimee looked at Louis who still was comfortable on the couch and Liam and Niall who stood at the door, "Uh...sure." She began to laugh nervously. Clearly she had never been near international pop stars before. Then again, not many people have.

Gunnar smiled and shook Liam's hand, "Sup, man, I'm Gunnar. Do you want this British scone thing?"

Liam laughed, "Yeah, sure, thanks, Gunnar." He turned to me, "British scone thing?"

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