The Band.

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Harry left in Bootcamp,so I was watching his every move. When Simon chose them and he had just one to choose,he made the final decision which almost provoked me a heart attack.

He didn't choose Harry. I was dissapointed and it was clear he was too. But I saw that his trainer had sparkling eyes.

,,Because I couldn't choose more,we,the trainers,thought of making a band. Because there are 5 boys we want to keep and which fit together. Harry Styles,you will be a member. "

My heart almost got out of my chest.

,,Run to Sandra. She will be your trainer. "

I saw 4 more boys chosen,which will be the other members. When all gathered to Sandra,I could see the sparkle in Harry's eyes.

They decided to call the band ,,One Direction." They said the reason for the name is that they all have the same direction,the X Factor title. They got in demifinals,which made me happy.

In the first one,they appeared.

,,Harry.We all saw your girlfriend at the auditions."


Suddenly,someone called me on the IPad. When I answered,I found out the reason. They will surprise Harry.

,,Do you miss her?"

My heart was running through my chest.

,,Very much."

,,If you could tell her something,what would you say to her?"

,,That I love her with my entire soul,that she is my inspiration and I can't live any second without her."

An operator made me a sign that I will be live. I knew what I was going to say.

,,I love you too,Harry."

Confused,he turned around only to see my face.



,,I dedicate you all of this. I thank you for everything and because you convinced me to do this."

,,I want you a winner,with your band. Come on,One Direction."

The crowd started to scream.

The IPad turned black and the image was not on the screen anymore. Harry turned back and started the song.

I was worried. The boys were in the finals. I learned their names. Zayn,Liam,Louis,Niall. And all had incredible voices they are just 3. And then 2. I was shivering,gasping for air. The final moment took my breath. They had to win.

,,And the winner is...One Direction. "

I gushed of joy from the backstage on scene,where I hugged Harry tight until I was breathless.

I was in the car,on my way home.

,,You didn't dissapoint me. "

My voice was slow because of the fatigue. I fell asleep on the chest of the newest winner of X Factor.

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