Chapter I: Prologe.

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I am so excited for this one!!! I can't believe I'm writing my very first Mericcup based fanfiction! besides HSD but that one was focused more on the four ships rather than one. Anyway, I'm going to apologize if this isn't anywhere near good, decent, or even like remotely close to something you guys might like, But I WILL try to make this a reaaalllll good story JUST for you guys. Onward to the story's first chapter then!!!!!! I'll address a few things in the A/N at the bottom.

Some say, that it is fate what drives us to our own paths, that fate is what decides what happens to us and where we go. Well they are not wrong there, fate does play a part in that.

Like the fate of a distant land, a land that once was a cheerful and happy place, was soon engulfed in a curse that was set to it.
It used to be a land of happiness, where most people weren't selfish...

That all changed when the chief of said land, changed for the worst. Like if it was by magic's hand, he became selfish, self-centered, and too caught up in his own self to even care much about people of 'lower rank' anymore.

Which was exactly one of the reasons the land became cursed.

In a dark, stormy, rampaging night, an old woman came knocking around the area, knocking on every door she found, and all anyone could say was 'ask the chief'

The old woman had seen enough, but decided to try. She went and knocked on the chief's door, a brunnette haired boy, with green eyes, and freckled opened up, in his eyes you could see that change, how it had left him to be like this.

The old woman ask for him to lend her a place to stay the night, he refused, she begged and begged, but nothing, he still refused.
Just as the boy was about to close the door the old woman stopped him from doing so.

She just stared at him, extended her habd towards his hair and took a strand of his hair. She said that he will pay for his selfishness, that he shall wait until the dark beast awakens. He didn't believe her and continued to close the door. The old woman just left.

A few days after that same incident, just like the old woman said, he would pay for being selfish and that he should wait for the dark beast to awaken. The chief had started to feel, not himself, and soon , he had claws, his skin had a scaly texture, and wings had being growing from his back, and soon enough, the chief had been transformed into a formidable, and fearsome beast...

A dragon...

He was a dark figure that was easily blended in on the night, fast when he would fly, and had piercing green eyes that made fear grow wheb he stared into your eyes, and a mighty roar as he tried calling for help, all that came out was that scared sound... That soon turned into a lonely and angry roar.

The old woman's voice always ringed in his mind.
"You shall be cursed, until you find a fair maiden that'll show you how to stop being so selfish" the same words and the same voice always ringed through the dragon's ears

What the old lady didn't see was that the curse wasn't only directed to the chief, the curse spread all over that village, turning everyone there into fearsome dragons.

The chief has until his 20th birthday for this spell to be broken, if not, he and the village shall stay like that forever.

No one ever knew about it again... Nor ever thought about going near it.

Maybe it was fate that drove everything the way that it went, or maybe it was just by chance, but fate does have a part to play everywhere.

You can always change your fate though, the chief could've probably changed everything if it wasn't for his sudden change in mind.


Would you change your fate if you were given the chance to?

Guys!!!! I can't believe that the first chapter for this one is out!!! Again, sorry if it's not good, cuz you know I am in fact a terrible writer! *claps hands together and smiles* perfect! Anyway! Points to address in this chapter, yes I'm aware Hiccup is already 20 by the second movie, but I had to do something for the curse to fit and all that so I lowered his age just a bit let say just 1 or 2 years especially since by the time that the fic is yaking place he will be 19 and by the end, you guessed it 20! Next chapter should be w/ Merida, and fun fact, imagine Merida's scottish accent telling the story for this chapter! Anyway guys! See you all in the next chapter for this one! Love ya'll little droplets! Bye! *blows kisses at you*

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