Chapter Fifteen

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We all got into the cars and squished together. My heart was pounding. What if they didn't like my face. What if they hate me.

"What's wrong?" Graser asked
"Just nervous," I replied
"So am I, but I'm sure they are going to love you!" He said
"Thanks, they're gonna love you too!" I said

We pulled up to the place PAX was at. Security was already waiting for us, along with a big crowd of fans. We parked the cars and got out. I waved at all the fans who were screaming.

We made it inside the building. I was so excited. But so nervous. We had time to explore and look at things before our first Panel.

"Let's go over there!" I said pointing to a bunch of life size minecraft mobs
"Wait before everyone splits up, make sure to meet up at 1:00" Graser said
"Okay, see ya," I said grabbing Liam's hand and pulling him to the mobs
"Aw look at the cow!" I said holding up a plushie
"Yea that's cute but look at the ocelot," he said
"Ocelot. Where?" I said dropping the cow toy

Dogs are Stacey's thing. Jeffreys are Parkers thing. Ocelots... Are my thing.

"Oh my god! It's so freaking adorable!" I said
"I know! I'll buy it for you," he said
"No, I have my own money. It reminds me of Oliver. I miss my fur ball." I said


Me and Liam had checked out so many cool things. This place was so cool. I checked my phone. 12:48. Time to go.

" Liam we gotta go," I said
"Okay," he said as we walked over to the rest of the cube members
"Just in time, they are taking us backstage," Bee replied as I walked up to her


I was freaking nervous as hell. My hands were sweaty. I couldn't stop tapping my foot on the ground. We were still back stage. Any moment now each one of us would be called out onto the stage. (A/N: PAX probably doesn't happen like this but in my mind it does ;))

Me and Graser would be last. We would come out together with our masks on.

"Hey, calm down. They're gonna love you," Liam said grabbing my hand making me calm down a little bit
"The King and Queen, Strauberryjam and Heyimbee," the announcer said as Mitchell and Bianca exited onto the stage
"The Champions of UHC season 14, Grapeapplesauce and NoBoom!" He shouted
"The Jeffrey loving man, Parker Games!" He yelled
"The Voice stealing lumberjack Hbomb94," he said and Liam squeezed my hand before running out

They yelled all the names out until it was only us left.

"And now...  Everyone's been waiting to see these two faces. Everyone's been so eager to know what these two look like.... Graser10 and Robot Games!" He yelled and me and Graser ran out.

Literally the loudest screams came from the crowd. They loved us. We walked out to the center of the stage. We had our mics on under our masks so everyone could here us.

"Hey guys," I said and I got a bunch of screams
"Wait, before we see your face, don't you think we should hear your real voice?" Graser asked
"I don't know what do you guys think?" I asked and the crowd screamed so loud I almost  fell over
"I think that's a yes," Graser laughed
"Well.... Hey guys it's Robot Games," I said turning off the voice translator as the crowd went wild
"Now... Who's ready to see our faces?!" Graser yelled

I have never heard something so loud in my life. I'm pretty sure I lost hearing.

Me and Graser turned to each other. We counted to three and took each other's masks off.

Haha. Just kidding. When I thought it couldn't get louder. My head pounded at all the screaming. It was crazy.

"Oh my god! You guys are amazing!" I laughed as me and Graser walked to our chairs
"Okay ready for some questions?" The announcer asked


"Summer if you could date one of the cube members who would it be?" A girl asked
"Um, that's a tough one. Probablyyyyy Liam?" I said in more of a question and there were screams and 'awe' s heard throughout the crowd
"Minecraft matchmaking," Straub laughed
"Parker I dare you to sit on H's lap for the rest of the panel," another girl smirked
"Come here Liampoo," Parker said in a feminine voice as Liam stood up and ran behind my chair
"Sorry dude, someone else is sitting on my lap already," he said
"Oh really? I don't see anyone on your lap," Parker said
"Well now there is," he said picking me up against my will
"Oh my god! Liam put me down," I laughed
"Okay," he said putting me on his lap
"Great." I replied giving up on trying to run away
"Summer, I thought you said you were Parkers cousin?" A girl asked and I recognized her from the water park
"Oh, yea, sorry. I had to lie to keep my identify a secret, I'm so sorry, to you and the girl at Starbucks this morning," I said frowning
"It's fine," she smiled
"Wait before anymore fans ask a question, I've got one," Liam said letting me stand up

He ran over to the announcer and whispered in his ear. I was so confused. I looked at the other members, all of them were smirking.

Zack and Joe came up to me as the other cube members moved the tables and chairs away. They put their hands over my eyes. I just stood there awkwardly.

When the hands were removed from my face there was a bunch of cute tweets and photos me and Liam sent to each other or were in. I smiled.

Liam came up to me with a bunch of roses. Oh my god. This is so flanking adorable and perfect.

"Summer, i can't stop thinking about you. Your perfect. Your personality, your humor, you. It's all perfect. Will you be my girlfriend." He asked giving me the flowers
"YES! YES! YES!" The crowd chanted
"Uhh, I don't know," I frowned
"I- uh- oh," he said looking down and scratching his neck as the audience went silent
"Of course I will you idiot!" I said running up and hugging him.


It was now 10:30. Everything was done. The panels. The meet and greets. Done. I was so tired. I held the flowers in one hand. Liam's hand in my other.

We were all sitting in a big field by the parking lot talking. I was so tired. I leaned my head on Liam's shoulder. I closed my eyes and just started thinking about life.

"Summer," Liam nudged me
"Come on we're going to go get some food," he said

I stood up. I wasn't even hungry. Just tired. He smiled at me and then motioned for me to get on his back. I jumped on his back dangling my arms over his shoulders.

I gripped the flowers tightly making sure they wouldn't fall. Liam held my legs up on his torso. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

Dunk. Dunk. Dunk. Dunk. The sound of every step he took. Dunk. Dunk. Dunk. Dunk. I slowly drifted off to sleep listening to the sound of his footsteps. Dunk. Dunk. Du-.


I wish someone cute had a crush on me. #uglypeopleproblems 😩

I'm sick and dying of boredom. Someone send help :((

Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

I love you all so much! Have an extraordinary day!

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