Chapter 3

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I awoke from my deep slumber from the sunlight was flooding in the room shit! I woke up I can't be late again otherwise he will kill me I can't bare another beating oh god oh god oh god... Please don't let him be awake

just when I try to get up something is stopping me and when I see it is a muscular arm at first I panic but then I see who the arm belongs to and I remember all that happened yesterday I again try to get up because he will punish me if I won't get his breakfast ready.

When I try again I almost succeed but then he tightens his arm around me and slowly his eyes flutter open my eyes widen when I see his beautiful orbs but I lower my gaze because father told me it is not respectful and I don't want to be punished

A finger lifts my chin up so that I can see him eye to eye
"why are you looking down angel?"he asked
"Father told never see a person in the eye it is very disrespectful and if you do you are punished I am so sorry I will never look again I am sorry " tried to control my tears but by the end I started sobbing with fear

He hugged me and started rocking me back and forth he whispered soothing words like it's ok and that nobody is going to punish me and slowly I started started to calm down

" sweetheart you are my mate my other half the reason for my being here I would never hurt you I would rather die than lay a hand on you like that you are safe you I will protect you you are my angel " he said in my ear when I pulled back slightly and looked in his eyes they held so much sincerity and honesty that tears

"Thank you" I whispered and hugged him I felt so safe around him I snuggled deeper into his chest and he tightened his arms around me I sighed in content but of course my stupid stomach had to grumble just then and I blushed he just laughed a throaty laugh which vibrated through me god that was the most heavenly thing I have ever heard

"come on angel lets get you some food " he smiled at me god this man would be the death of me! He took my arm and pulled me to where I assumed is the kitchen.

"Sit down baby what do you want to eat?"he asked , my heart skipped a beat when he called me baby which so much gentleness like I was the most important thing in the world i felt tears well up in my eyes so I looked away in an instant he was in front of me he lifted my chin with his finger to make me look into his eyes he looked at me with concern and asked

"Whats wrong baby? are you hurt?did I do something wrong?" he asked me I just smiled a little so happy that he cared so much I lifted my hand and caressed his cheek

"You did nothing, this is the 1st time that anyone has showed me such kindness thank you for caring so much" I said and hugged him he and he instantly did the same

"I would never not care about you angel you are the most beautiful and kind person I have ever known you dont need to thank me"he told and pulled back and smiled

"Now what would you like to eat?"he asked

"anything good is fine I am really hungry" I said

"so pizza?"he asked

"Yes!! I have always wanted to taste it " I said enthusiastically

"you never had pizza before?" he asked looking at me questionably

"No father always said it would be a waste of money to buy food to feed me" I whispered hanging my head down in shame

"Honey look at me "he asked taking my hand in his slowly I looked up into his eyes

"Baby he is a bastard of a person that doesnt know what he is doing in this world dont listen to him you deserve everything in the world if not more" he said and took something out of his pocket it was a small gift wrapped in silver wrapper he gave it me

"I wanted to give this to you " he said looking nervous.

" for me?? " I asked shocked that he bought me something i slowly opened the wrapper it was a small rectangular wooden box I opened it and gasped ...OMG!!!!! it was the most beautiful bracelet I have ever seen it had pink stones which I think was ruby with little diamonds in between I just knew it cost a fortune I looked up at him

"ARE YOU INSANE WHY WOULD YOU GIVE THAT TO ME"I yelled at him and gave him the box back he looked hurt and asked "you didnt like it I am so sorry I didnt mean to make you upset I just"

I cut off his rambling and said "are you blind that is the most beautiful and the most expensive thing i have ever seen hardly touched anything near it why would you give it to me I am filthy and worthless keep it and give it to someone that is worth that bracelet" I said

"Dont you dare say that you are worthless I dont want to hear that word from your mouth again this is our family bracelet which belonged to my great grand mother my mom gave it to me so that I could give it to my mate when I find her this bracelet is nothing compared to your beauty hell I would buy you a diamond tiara because you are my angel my princess and it would be an honor if you would wear it" he said sincerely and with some other emotion that I couldnt recognize

he slowly took my hand up and took out the bracelet he looked into my eyes asking for permission I nodded with a smile creeping up to my lips his eyes lit up like a child on christmas oh how I would do anything to see him like this

"I love you" he whispered resting his forehead on mine my heart started to beat so fast I was so overwhelmed with this emotion that I was just starting to recognize

"you dont have to say it back until you are ready angle I just wanted you to know" he again started rambling nervously it was so cute I would have laughed in any other situation but I was too nervous to do it

"I love you too" I whispered cutting him off and looked deep into his eyes which were filled with the same emotion that my own eyes were showing he stopped talking and looked at me with shock

"w-what did you s-say"he stuttered

"I said I love you too" I giggled at his expression and as soon as the shock wore off his face had a boylike grin that he looked so handsome in

"I have waited so long to hear that "he whispered

I started to get so overwhelmed with all these feeling I was very tired he immediately noticed and took me to his bed

"go to sleep angel I will always be here"he said cuddling with me I smiled and closed my eyes

"I love you" I said almost asleep

"I love you too angel so much that you will never know"he whispered and with happiness I let sleep overcome me knowing that he would be there when I wake up.....


i am so sorry guys i started my college so i was too busy with assignments and projects

i promise that i will update more

i love you guys ;)


I would love to hear any suggestions pls do comment <3 u all

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