Chapter Seven

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Rita was changed out of her dress and in to black dress pants as well as a silver shirt and a black blazer. She was doing some paper work when she heard someone pick the lock of her apartment. What an amature, she thought and stood. She opened the door and there was Aiden kneeled to the lock.

"After all theses years and you still can't be quiet when it counts." she shook her head and let him in.

"I was certain that I could surprise you this time," Aiden sighed, "So how was the graduation speech?" 

"Fake as usual," Rita said as she went back to her desk, "So did you have any leads before I give my answers?" 

"None," Aiden said, "I tried to get some information about what could have happen but there were no witness." 

Rita sighed and sat down, Aiden mirrored, "I looked at the file and I have straight out bad news." Aiden straightened his back to show that he was interested, "I am sure that the killer is a Mercy." 

Aiden hissed, "Are you sure?" 

Rita nodded and explained about the strength of her bones before and after the bite, She explained the bit marks were before killer decided to end them, "I am not for certain if it is a Mercy but it's pretty close. If there are more victims I would like to see their pictures as well." 

"I would like it if you went to the morgue instead to check it out yourself." Aiden admitted. 

Rita shook her head, "I don't think I would want that." 

"Please Rita I want to be sure what the police is dealing with," Aiden gave her a stare and she sighed. 

"I will stop by some time tomorrow." she shrugged and got out another piece of paper, "The killer is doing something with the spine because I noticed that the spine was not torn off of the body but neatly cut out of the neck and below the waist. There is no doubt that there is a bigger project in this, it may be for a ritual but I would have to do more research but other than that I just see what the usual detective sees. The fear in the victim, the anger in the killer, and the distrust from the between." 

"You think the vicitm knew the person who did this?" Aiden asked in surprise. 

"Maybe but I would have to look at the real bodies for sure," she sighed and leaned back in her chair, "The vampire government will want me to come to them soon when they find out about this." 

Aiden gave her worried eyes, "Do you think your brother will come to talk?" 

Rita nodded, "Yeah, why would you think that he would send you here with a case like this to me?" 

He shrugged, "Your brother just told me to come tell you that he was in town," Aiden sighed, "I just brought the case because I wanted your help but I don't want you to overwork yourself. Sorry." 

"My brother has his way in the system and if the vampire government has a message for me they would use anyone to get to me," she looked at the case then at the glowing laptop, "I have a feeling that this case will be bigger than it is. This shouldn't be the first victim if it was this neat." Rita looked up to Aiden, "Were there more victims that I don't know about?" 

Aiden nodded he tried to avoid eye contact as he spoke, "There were five more victims that we know of before this one." 

"What are the genders of the victims?" Rita asked. 

"Two females and the last three were males," Aiden said, "All of them are older than the one before including this one. 

"Could you tell me the order of which gender and age died first to this one?" 

"The first one died was female and she was seventeen." Aiden closed his eyes because he didn't want to remember the dead, "The secone was a male that was eighteen, next one was female and she was nineteen. The last two were male and they were twenty and twenty-one." 

"That is not enough," she sighed. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I am not for sure but I kind of recognize the pattern and I think I know what is going on but I hope I am wrong I really do." 

"Like usual," Aiden sighed and leaned forward, "What do you mean that it is not enough?" 

"I am saying that the killer is a vampire so he has more experience than a human serial killer and he likes to be very organized," she looked at one of the pictures from the case she had, "If I am right then his first kill for this case would be a one year old."

"How can you be so sure?" Aiden asked. 

Rita turned away from him, "I don't want to say at least not until I am for sure." she said and closed the file, "The killer is somehow in a group of some kind being a meeanger so please keep that in mind before going to each individual gangster in the streets that might be a vampire and accuse them of killing. It would ruin the peace right now and it would also alert the killer. So I suggest to not share the information I just gave you today until the killer is caught." 

"That is a good thing since I am working alone as it is." Aiden said. 

"It must be hard for you to keep a secret between workers." she said. 

"Not as hard as keeping a secret from everyone." he shot back and then apologized because he knew that it burned her than he attended it to be. 

Rita coughed to change the subject, "What else do you want to know?" 

"Do you think this case will end happily?" 

"No comment," she said immediately. 

"Of course," he smiled then he stood up, "Henny will be happily waiting for your visit I'm sure tomorrow." 

"I know," she said and shook his hand, "I will see you soon," she said and quickly took her hand back. 

"Right back at you," he said and walked himself out but then shouted, "Rita you know what you did in the past was not your fault. They told you not to save them."

"Yeah but sometimes I wonder if they would ever forgive me if I ever disobeyed them." she responded back, "Let's hope that I get more good facts instead of bad ones," she said and he nodded before closing the door behind him.

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