Becoming One on the Beach

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  "C'mon Hic, let's go for a walk." Jack stated and looked up to the sky to make sure they'd arrive at the pier by sunset.


  Hiccup agreed, and his slender frame moved to stand off to the side. Jack rolled up the blanket and sat it with the basket. Thinking for a moment, Jack gathered the objects and ran to the path leading to their condo. Setting the objects down, he hurried back and grabbed Hiccup' hand within his own and began to walk towards the pier that was probably about three to four miles away.


  "This makes it easier to walk without having to lug all that stuff around, besides...I want to focus on you, not those things." Jack smiled as his gaze turned and settled on Hiccup' whose cheeks had grown a soft pink hue.


  "Yeah, you're right. But... Even with all those things, I'd still just be happy to be with you." Saying that, his cheeks grew a more pronounced blush and his eyes darted to the ground before he brought them to meet Jack's.


  "You're so cute, Hiccup. God, I love you." Jack couldn't help himself but to lean over and peck that sun-kissed cheek of his boyfriends.


  "I love you, too." Hiccup stated with a shy smile before his gaze settled in front of him.


  After a moment, a comfortable silence washed over them and the only sounds to be heard were gentle murmurs from others, and the sound of waves crashing over the white sand. It took them until about 5 o'clock to reach the pier since they both opted to walk at a rather slow pace and once there, the sun was almost to the horizon. Jack smiled and sped up until they made it to the end of the pier and once there, he found a bench aimed towards where the sun would set and he gladly sat himself down and pulled Hiccup beside him. Both boys settled into the bench as the sun slowly moved to nestle the horizon and its rays caused the ocean to glimmer and sparkle. It was truly breathtaking. Hiccup gasped as he saw the sight and he slowly scooted himself closer to Jack to rest his head onto the cool shoulder. Jack smiled and pressed his lips to Hiccup's head before he rested his own head on top of the others.


  Sea gulls squawked every so often and the waves tumbled down creating a warm breeze to flow through both sets of hair and the sun slowly fell below the horizon and the orange and red light faded into darkness. It was truly serene, and the two couldn't ask for anything better. Once the sun set, Jack moved a hand to tilt Hiccup' head up and in an instant, he leaned down and pressed his lips to his lovers for a moment before he pulled himself away. Truly, this was a perfect date.

   The sudden kiss caused a rosy hue to form over Hiccup's features and his gaze met with his snow-white haired lover. The overall joy of finally dated the person he had fallen so hard for, was the greatest feeling he'd ever felt. With a sigh of content, the auburn-haired boy retracted himself from the others embrace and slowly stood. A smile gracing his pink, slightly chapped lips as he extended a hand out to Jack.


   "C'mon, I want to go and sit on the beach... Maybe we could stargaze...?" He knew this was the epitome of cliché, but it'd be relaxing and it would allow them to spend some more time on their date.


  "Okay, Hic. Whatever you wanna do." Jack allowed his signature, perfectly straight smile to form before his own hand intertwined with Hiccup's. After a moment, he stood and began to walk towards the piers exit.

Meeting of a LifetimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang