Start of Happily Ever After

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  A counter full of drinks and many laughs later, Hiccup had finally perfected the drink that Jack had taught him. It was a simple frappe, but Hiccup was a perfectionist; A trait that he had gained whilst trying to impress his father. So, Jack picked up the icy beverage and took a tiny sip before a smile began to show itself on the white-haired male' lips. The drink was delicious, sure it was the same thing he made day after day but being made by Hiccup made it taste that much sweeter. Jack couldn't help but to take another drink and another until he gulped down the entire cup. He then shook his head before turning his gaze to the eager brunette.


  "Hiccup this is..." Jack trailed off, knowing this would throw the other into a state of suspense. We all know how Jack just loves to play around and sure enough, the brunette had leaned his body closer to the other male in anticipation. Hiccup was the type of person whose heart stayed on his sleeve and his emotion was highly easy to decipher. At this moment, Hiccup had gripped onto the apron he had been asked to put on and was squeezing it with both hands. His gaze stayed on the white-haired male and his face had twisted into an expression of eagerness. He almost resembled a puppy looking up at it's master.


  "This is.... Amazing!" Jack finally exclaimed and Hiccup let out the breath that he didn't know he was holding in. That in itself caused Jack to just start laughing. He didn't know Hiccup could be that... Cute.


  "Really...? It isn't bad?" Hiccup retorted but he noted Jack' laughter which sent the boy into a fit of embarrassment, turning the boys cheeks a rosy pink.


  "Of course." Jack stated as he moved a hand to not so gently pinch Hiccup's bright pink cheek, causing the brunette to flail about.


  Jack kept his usual smile as he retracted his hand from Hiccup's cheek and motioned him over so that he could learn the remainder of the drinks. The brunette studied the ingredients and proceeded to make the different coffees until he had perfected each and every one of them. Sooner rather than later, though, it was time to leave. Well, Jack wasn't having any of this. He didn't really like the idea of leaving the brunette so... Early, even though they had been together for hours.


  "Hey, Hiccup." Jack spoke to the other as he placed the apron onto the rack behind him. He then made sure to turn his body fully to look at the shorter male. His eyes wandered over the smaller boys frame but it always returned to his face. Jack loved the way the light made Hiccup's emerald green eyes sparkle and how it made every one of his freckles more pronounced; He even spotted the scar that had made itself known on the others chin. Everything about Hiccup was cute, even the dorky way he dressed. Oh, Jack knew he was smitten with the brunette and he was okay with that.

"How about we get something to eat together? I'll pay."

The brunette was in the process of hanging up his own apron as the question rang throughout his ears. Jack wanted to go out to eat with public? Hiccup wasn't sure he was being serious. After all, Hiccup was rather nerdy and he knew Jack had to be popular,so why him? He quickly shoved those thoughts from his mind and turned to meet the other' gaze. At this moment, Hiccup couldn't help to notice how Jack's eyes resembled the sky, or perhaps an ocean. They were so magnificently blue that they just held his gaze. But, he couldn't daze for too long as he had to respond to the other.

"Really...? You want to hang out with me?" The brunette finally managed to say as he kept his eyes on Jack'.

"Yes? Who else would I have been talking to? So, come on Hiccup. I know a really nice restaurant just down the street." Jack didn't plan on waiting for the response as he was already making his way to the door.

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