Coffee Shop

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Hiccup had made it to his home after leaving the coffee shop and was still on the phone with his father. You see, his father Stoick disapproved of Hiccup's goals because it wasn't what he wanted Hiccup wanted to do with his life. Hiccup was on the path to become a doctor because, he just loved to protect and help others. His father on the other hand, wanted him to take over as Mayor to their town of Berk. Hiccup wanted nothing more than to become something his father was proud of but no matter what he did his father was disappointed. 'I could become president and he'd be disappointed.' Hiccup thought as he plopped himself down onto the couch and released Toothless from the basket.

"Hic, when are ya going to give up this dream of being a doctor and come home? Ya know you can take over my job." Stoick stated through the other end of the phone.

Hiccup let out an exasperated sigh as he covered his face with one hand, shaking his head. "Dad, I've told you so many times... I don't want to take over the city. I want to help people, I want to make something of myself that I and... You can be proud of. That obviously won't happen. Dad, I...I just want to be happy and make you happy! Everything I do though, is wrong in your eyes. I'm done trying though... I give up on trying to do things for you... I love you dad, but I can't live to please you anymore, I just can't!" Hiccup had never rose his voice to his father before, but by this point he was just done.

Stoick sat on the other end and was rather dumbfounded once Hiccup had blurted out the entirety of his feelings, which, he had never heard Hiccup become so... Passionate? If that was even the right words. The bury man then let out a sigh before responding, "Hic, son... I am proud of you and I always have been. I just think that the tradition of Haddock's running Berk shouldn't end with me. We've been the mayors of this town for generations."

Hiccup had gained some hope once he heard his father was proud of him, but that hope was crushed as his father had continued. He let his eyes falter shut as he began to shake his head repeatedly. "Goodbye, dad..." Hiccup ended the call and shut it off before he could attempt to call back. The brunette dropped the phone on the gray carpet beneath him and fell onto his side on the faux black leather couch underneath him. Hiccup then curled up and moved his arms to snake around his legs as he held them close to his chest. Once Toothless could sense how Hiccup was feeling, the small feline ran to the couch and jumped up to curl himself up against the brunette' mess of hair.

"I just want him to understand, bud.." Hiccup curled up tighter before he moved a hand up atop his head and began to gently pet the cats head which, was recognized with a resounding purr. That caused Hiccup to grow a faint smile, he just loved that cat dearly and could say it was his other half. Toothless then proceeded to just crawl his way onto his owner' head and claim it as his new pillow and Hiccup couldn't help but to let out minuscule laughs as his pet moved around.

After awhile of lying there, Hiccup had finally gained his motivation to get up and he rolled off of the couch and made his way towards the bedroom where he gathered up his night-clothes. Clothes in hand, he went to his bathroom and stripped down before stepping into the shower. Once he had made it under the hot water, he began to recall the days events. He reached for his shampoo and squirted some into his hand before lathering up his hair and while he did this, he began to think of the coffee shop. 'I made a friend... Sort of' He thought as he rinsed the soapy substance from his hair. Hiccup reached a hand out for his soap but, while he did that, the bottom of the shower became slippery and it sent Hiccup falling into the wall. The brunette had hit the wall and just groaned and slid down the wall. This isn't the first time it has happened because, well... Hiccup was a renowned klutz. He just lied against the wall for a moment before pushing himself off the wall and very carefully, stood up. He let out a sigh and went back to his prior business and cleansed his body. Once done with that, he got out of the shower and dried of before slipping on clean boxers, a pair of red and black plaid pajama pants, and red shirt with a large black dragon on the front. Hiccup brushed his hair out and then went to his bedroom and proceeded to plop right down and curl up in his blankets and soon,he had fallen asleep.

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