Chapter 1

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The orange haired boy looked through the net to his teammates. Tanaka was in a stance to sprint up to the net for a spike at a moments notice, while Suga was on standby waiting for the serve to come. Kageyama was placed in the back corner of the gymnasium, his eyes closed trying to focus on the serve. They fluttered open and caught a glimpse of a sun ray, sneaking into the gymnasium through the corner of the window which illuminated the opposite end of the court. Holding the ball in one hand, he catapulted it into the air. He sprinted forward to the net. Releasing his feet from the ground, he flew into the air. One hand was extended above his head, while the other was pointed at his target. Skin met leather, sending a loud thump throughout the gym. Hinata stared in awe of his sheer talent. Kageyama gracefully landed back onto the court making the difficult serve look like any beginner could do it. Nishinoya ran for the middle of the court, shouting "Kageyama, nice serve!"

Their opponents all formed triangles with their arms, awaiting the serve. "You'll have to do better than that, Tobio" Daichi sneered as the ball went perfectly up for the setter. Suga's watchful eyes traced the balls every movement in the air until he was set up perfectly under it. The ball bounced off his fingertips as if there were springs connected to them. Asahi took off into the air. Both Tsukki and Yamaguchi who were on the other side of the court couldn't react fast enough to the serve, letting the ball cross over into HInata's side of the court. Noya slid for it on the wooden floor, but was a second late when it hit the ground.

"Yeah! I knew we would get one on you eventually!" screamed a happy Tanaka.

"Whatever, we still won", Kageyama lightly said.

"Alright, the tennis team needs this gym later so no staying after to practice, lets all go home!" Daichi exclaimed with a smile. Everyone ran over to their water bottles and bags and began to load up all their belongings. Hinata threw on some black athletic pants over his shorts along with his Karasuno Volleyball Club windbreaker, zipping it up to his neck. Hinata swung his fairly-heavy bag over his shoulder and began to walk the opposite direction toward the door. He sniffed the air lightly once and caught a scent he knew all to well, the scent of blood. Blood of a human, being pumped every second all the way through the body. His stomach suddenly let out a loud moan. "I guess it's time to go hunting again," he thought to himself.

"Oi, when is the last time you had a meal? That was a really loud growl just now", Kageyama questioned. This stopped the boy in his bee-line for the exit. The entire team must of heard it to because now their eyes were fixated on his hazel ones. All their faces could be read the same way, full on confusion. His heart began racing. "Oh god, this is what I get for wanting to go to school to be on a volleyball team", he repeated to himself.

"Sorry, guess I haven't been feeling all that well lately", he lied with a straight face. Knowingly, no one believed his lousy excuse.

"Bullshit, Hinata." Kageyama retorted.

Asahi rubbed the back of his neack, saying with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, "I agree with Kageyama. We all eat lunch together every day and you have a new excuse every day as to why you don't have lunch." Suga then stepped into the conversation between them.

"I noticed your unusual acts too. Hinata, please tell me the truth. Is everything alright?" By now, even Tsukishima had paused his work to eavesdrop into the debate.

Hinata's stomach was churning with anxiety. His hands began to twitch, a nervous habit he had developed at a young age. "N-nothing, guys. I swear, I'm fine! I just don't like to bloat myself. Anyway, I have to go to the store to pick up some grociries for the week so I have to leave now." and with that, he picked up his bag and  resumed his escape from the school, plunging his hands into his pockets. The thing is, Hinata wasn't exactly lying. He did have to do some 'shopping', just not the normal kind that first comes to mind for any normal human.

After a few moments of silence, Suga was the first one to omit the words everyone was thinking. With a deep breath he said, "Hinata is definitely hiding something from us."

"No shit, Sherlock," Tsukki retorted in a sarcastic tone, almost immediately.

Noya made a fist and said' "We'll squeeze it out of 'im!" He earned a small chuckle from Daichi.

"Yeah, I just hope he's alright, "Kageyama sighed.

Meanwhile, Hinata had pulled himself into the shadows of an alleyway to prepare for his hunting mission. Quietly, he pulled the zipper down of his windbreaker and threw on a plain black hoodie. The look wasn't complete without the final piece, his mask. Monsters like Hinata have to wear a mask so the people investigating them can't asociate a face with them. He pulled out the soft leather mask and strapped it around his face. It covered the lower half of his face, the dark ebony contrasting with his pale skin. The curved beak was long and sharp, coming to a point right at his nose. Feathers were sewn into the sides, making it look bigger and more avian-like.

He allowed his eyes to turn. His normally hazel eyes became clouded with black with a cherry colored pupil in the middle. Red veins grew from his eyes and cascaded down his face. The monster hidden underneath him was finally out, and he was dying for some action. He put his back to the grafiti-covered brick wall behind him, awaiting his victim.

It didn't take long for a young girl and a boy looking the same age and holding hands to come innocently trotting down the street. They chattered rather loud, not knowing the certain death that loomed right around the corner. Once they were close enough to his location, he stepped out from the alley and under the overhanging street lamp. He glanced down at his own shadow, observing the mist collecting around his shoulders, forming two wing-like structures on his back. His two kakugan shot up at the couple.

He twisted his neck in a sinister way, as if his body language was trying to communicate that he was dangerous. "Don't you two have a curfew?" he smirked under his mask as he blocked the abandon road for them. After catching a glimpse of him, the couple froze in their tracks. They tried to run the other way, but Hinata raced to their other side and blocked it once again. "There is no escaping me, darlings."

"You-you're the crow...aren't you?" the boy stuttered with fear evident in his eyes.

"Ding ding, we have a winner. I know I have become pretty popular lately, but we must bid our adieu now. I've already talked for far too long." With that, Hinata proceeded to swiftly take both heads off in one clean swipe. They both fell to the ground with a thud. He sighed loudly. This is what he was, even though he hated every fiber of it. This is what he had to do to survive. He carried on to cut off only what he wanted and leave the rest for weaker ghouls to scrounge on.

Once he finished packing up the bag of food, he repeated to himself, "to live is to devour others." This had also become another bad habit of his since the incident the occurred a few months ago.

Hinata Shouyou, the crow, was a ghoul.


Hey! It's Claire! I have recently been obsessed with the ghoul!hinata headcannon and noted the lack of fanfics on any writing platform for it. I decided I would contribute to it since I absolutely love both Haikyuu and Tokyo Ghoul. I don't know when I will post the next one because of school but bear with me. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I hope you have a great day!

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