3 - september

87 7 0

today at lunch a brunette sat beside of me before lia made it to the table. she didn't seem to care though. she just sat between michael and luke on the other side of the table.

the brunette kept talking to me about things and i'd casually nod my head but i wasn't listening.

lia was laughing at something luke had said and her lilac coloured hair-that was obviously in a loose bun-was bouncing as she shook her head. "stop, stop it's too funny! laughing hurts!"

she laughed a bit longer and leaned into luke when she started calming down, ending her laughing fit with a giggle.

brunette snapped her fingers in front of my face making me jump. i jerked from facing lia to facing brunette so quickly i got nearly got whiplash. "do you even know what i said?"

"something about sarah."

"i'm sarah!" the girl groaned and stood up before storming off, mumbling about how all guys are the same.

lovely || c.hحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن