4 - september

78 8 0

so after "sarah" stormed off another girl, blondish, redish hair, sat down beside of me.

"i'm lexa, you're calum right?" i nodded, deciding this time i should pay more attention to the conversation.

lexa and i talked about green day and all time low. i realized that she and i had more in common than lia and me. lexa gave me her number and we parted ways as the bell rang.

i was walking to class when michael jogged up to me. "are you gonna ask lexa out?" he looked over at me. "she's totally into you."

"no i'm not really in the dating mood now."

"if this is because of lia you shouldn't wait. she and luke are 'hanging out' this weekend."

"it's luke it's not like they're gonna fuck." i rolled my eyes. "plus have you met lia? all they'd do is watch a movie and cuddle."

he lightly hit my back. "mate, get over your stupid crush. if you haven't noticed she's not into you."

with that he walked off and i was left walking to class wondering who she did like.

lovely || c.hDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora