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This chapter takes place 1 week of after the last one.

Torry's POV:
I woke up on Steven's couch. Oh,great,I need to throw up. I run to the bathroom and vomited. Yesterday,Steven made me take a pregnancy test and I found out I was pregnant. I know that the baby's is Dan's. I don't have the guts to tell him so I'm going to tell (Y/N) first.
I grab my phone and texted (Y/N) saying.
" I'm pregnant, I don't know how to tell Dan like he his with somebody else. " I press send,two minutes later,she replies.
"Congratulation girl,do you want me to tell Dan?PS:me and Phil are going to get married!" she texted.
"Congratulation to you two!Yes,tell Dan." I replied.
Then,I got a text that broke my heart.
"Thanks,last night me and Phil could not get to sleep because Mya and Dan were have sex. PS:send help,I hate Mya." It said.
"Yeah,I hate Mya to." I replied we talked for a hour before I had to go.
Steven walk's in with is dirty blonde hair sticking up.
"You look like a mad scientist!" I giggled.
We had breakfast and spent the day watching Netflix and NOT chill.

Your POV:
After I finished talking to Torry,Mya walks in. I would smile if it was Torry,but no it's Mya and worse part is than Torry is pregnant with Dan's baby.
"Hey." she says flipping her hair.
"Hey." you say back.
You and Phil,went on a walk with Buffy.
Dan and Phil are going on tour soon,they are doing their first show tonight.
You are going to help them with a game,Dan is going to tell you thing to draw or write on Phil face and do it with face paint. You will do the same but draw on Dan's face.
You got ready and had lunch.
"In two hours we have to go to set up." Phil says.
A/N:I have never been to one of there shows so don't be mad if I get stuff wrong.
"Ok,I will go get my face paints ready then." You say hoping of the counter.
You  packed all your face paint and before you know you had to go.
You all got into a taxi and arrive shortly.
"Hello,I'm Mister.Napi." the man that keeps the stage.
"Hello,I'm Miss.(L/N),this is Mister.Lester and Howell." You said.
"Ok,like you are going to spend a couple of hours here,I'm going to do a tour of the place." the man said,you finished the tour.
"So,Miss.(L/N)'s changing room is N°12,Mister.Lester's changing room is N°11 and Mister.Howell's is N°13.That's it so,bye." the man said leaving.
"Bye." You all said.
"Ok,we have three hours,so lets try to put the lights up in a hour,a hour to get ready and it leaves us with a hour to mess about in the building." You said.
"Ok." they said back.
"Phil,can I talk to you?" I asked to tell him that Torry is pregnant.
"Yeah,sure babe." he said.
"Torry is pregnant with Dan's baby and when I draw or write things on Dan's face,I will write 'you got Torry pregnant',ok?" "Ok." he said back.
You set up the light and messed around a bit.
"I'm going to go get ready." you said walking to your changing room.
"Ok,I will go get ready to." Phil said.
You walked into the dressing room,they had mirror on the left and a seat on the right.
You open your bag and got out your dress where it is shorter at the front and longer at the back,black translucent ripped leggings with a pair of Dock Martin boots and some make up.
You get dressed and put your make up on. You made coffee for you and Phil.
"Phil,do you want coffee?" You asked opening the door.
"Yeah,sure but can you help me put my tie on first?" he say struggling to put on his tie.
"Ok." I replied,he HAS to learn how to put on a proper tie.
"There you go." You said.
"How did you learn how to put a tie on?" Phil asked.
"In the orphanage, the girls had to wear red ties every day in some form."
"Ok did you look like mcr in 2004?"he asked.
"Yeah,I use to wear black stuff."
"There is coffee." I said.
"My precious!" he said smiling taking a sip out of his coffee.
"You really like coffee to much." I said giggling.
"In a half a hour,the show start."  I said sitting on a seat.
"Yeah." he said sitting in front of you.
"Where did you get the coffee?" "The coffee machine." I replied.
You drank the coffee and talked before Dan and Phil needed to go.
I kissed him and said "Break a leg." then he goes on stage.

~skip until you have to go on stage

"So we are playing 'what is drawn on my face' game with my fiancé, (Y/N) aka (YouTube channel name)." Phil said before you walked in on stage.

Britney's POV (OMG):
"So we are playing 'what is drawn on my face' game with my fiancé, (Y/N) aka (YouTube channel name)." Phil said before (Y/N) walked in on stage.
What,there getting married! Ok,time to think of a plan. On the show is over in  half an hour your,and I'm after there doing a meet and greet. So I while get (Y/N) and beat her up to under stand that she and Phil are not going to work out well.

Your POV:
"(Y/N) is going to be the one drawing on our faces like she is the one with the more drawing skills on this stage."
Dan said.
"Who goes first?" I ask.
"Daniel!" Phil says.
"Ok." you replied pushing Dan on the chair.
Phil told you what to draw on Dan,you decide not to write something about I'm getting Torry pregnant.
You did draw on his face the  Pepe the frog(the meme).
And then it was when you did draw on Phil's face, Dan told you to draw Phillipia(from one of his old videos) so you did.
"Ok,go sit in the chairs." You,they both went to sit okay.
"I'm I a meme?" Dan asked to Phil.
"Yes." He replied.
"I'm I some thing I'm embarrassed about?" "Yes." Dan replied to Phil.
The game goes on for half and hour before Dan did found out that it was Pepe the frog.
"Ok,so the show has finished but we are doing a meet and greet in ten minutes.Bye!" Phil said before you all walked of stage.
"That show was good for are first show!" Dans said.

~skip to meet and greet

Your POV:
I walked at the back of Phil before someone snatched me bringing me out of the crowd. The person pushed me,I looked up and did see Britney.
"Well,well,you haven't changed a bit. You trying to date Phil." I said before she slap me.
"Oh,you just made the biggest mistake in your life." I said.
"Yeah,yeah shut up orphan." She said scuffing.
"Never underestimate a orphan." I said before kicking her in the guts with my foot.
Making her role on the floor.
"Never stalk me again." I said walking to Phil.
After the meet and greet you were all tired so you all went to bed.

Love at first sight (amazingphil x reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara