Prolog (Revised)

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"Come on. Come on."

He tapped one green webbed toe foot against the carpet floor of the hyperlift, hoping it would speed the thing faster. He was in a hurry after all. No one would have questioned that much. But as for the cause that had him this way, they would question that. Normally, he was reserved and calm. Irritatingly calm according, in fact, to some of his other work associates he worked with on this star cruiser.

But he had Urgent news of the utmost importance. It had been given to him only 2 nans ago, but the red private notice on the viewer weighed heavy enough to make him believe that it actually slowed him down.

'Can't this damn thing go any faster', He thought to himself. 'We manage to travel the universe within a few nans. We can transport people and things from planet to practically anywhere in the galaxy in less than a galactic lag. So why is it that nobody has found a way to go from the main bridge of this complicated ship to one's personal quarters in less than twenty nans? You figure that someone would have found a way to shorten that time by now.' The absurdity of it was almost laughable... almost.

He groaned when the hyperlift came to a sudden stop, still a few levels below where he had to go. He annoyingly watched the doors slide apart to allow two barely recognizable shipmates enter the hyper lift. They' were chattering mindlessly, oblivious to his presence on the hyperlift. It had him gritting his teeth for patience. He needed to get to the captain's personal quarters like nans ago. He didn't have the time for the lift to stop and pick up other people on every single floor. 

When the couple pressed one level up from their current floor they were on, the usual friendly persona and patient reasonable Clog, was about to commit murder. He had to bite his tongue to not scold the two about the inconveniences of having to wait for someone to get off on floor that could have been easily reached by of the stairway.

Luckily, he held his ire back when no one entered at floor the two shipmates just exited on.

Then again, maybe he shouldn't be in such a hurry. The captain was in his resting phase and as everyone else knew, he wouldn't be happy about the interruption. The captain should be just entering the hormonal stage by now, which he'll remain for the next three days. That meant that he wouldn't like anyone disturbing him, high council or not.

It's times like this that he regretted submitting his application for Commander alpha of the Gail-nar star cruiser.

But, there was no way around that now. He had to deliver the message tonight, as per the council commanded him too. The high council requested the captain's observance in what is to be considered a highly urgent matter.

He had no other option left but to disturb his moody captain.

Not good. Times like this he really wished their captain weren't a Zheti. Sure they can stay up for 33 lunar rotations straight with out sleep or rest, but if you try and wake them up during their 72 phase, it can become a horrific bloodletting. He just hoped the captain was more of the forgiving kind.

At the captain's personal quarters, the young ensign paused to catch his breath. His hands shook with fear and his whole body trembled as he contemplated his approach to disturbing the captain in his phase. If he wasn't careful, this moment may pass as his last. Zheti was not a species that took this kind interference lightly. Normally they were intelligent and docile creature, well liked among the Entente. It was only during this time that they became hostel enough to kill.

Finally, after several long drawn breaths, the young ensign rapt lightly on the door. Moments eluded and again he attempted to bring notice to his presence. Still nothing. Sweat beaded down his bow while the small square message viewer slid slightly from his grasp. Again, the young ensign tried to knock on the door. But by the second connection his webbed hand hit the door, a loud ping was heard.

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