The Game of Temptation ~25~

Start from the beginning

Care nodded. "Yeah. But now you just have to remember why you said yes to Ren. You hadn't been on a date then, either."

I glared. "Maybe I said yes because you and Ren talked behind my back about it?" I suggested, faking anger.

Ren had told me about the plan, looking very guilty I might add, about a week into us dating. He'd told me everything, including Care's involvement in it.

I was mad, really mad, at first. Almost mad enough to storm out and just be single for a while while I figured out everything. I couldn't believe he'd manipulated me like that, and even all the times I'd gone to him for help he'd been working on me, convincing me to like him more.

But then I'd yelled at Care about how she clearly wasn't my friend if she thought interfering was a good idea, and she'd yelled back that me and Alex were already drifting apart, and that no matter what I'd have fallen for Ren, all she did was help make sure he stayed in love with me long enough for me to catch up.

It had been a long lecture, and by the end of it we'd both been crying and apologizing. So, of course, I'd called Ren and cried and told him I loved him.

His first response was, "How much have you had to drink, and will I get laid if I come over now?"

It had been a weird day, but I didn't regret it. Now there were no secrets that I could think of between me and Ren, and we could really start being together.

Like Care suggested, I thought about all the reasons I'd chosen Ren.

He had a sweet side, he listened to me, he gave me exactly what he promised; he gave me emotion, passion, lust, love all in one.

It was amazing, this past month. The whole thing was just crazy, like something out of a movie. The player falling for the new, taken girl. It felt surreal, but I could tell it was reality. Me and Ren would never have that perfect movie relationship. We'd get mad sometimes, yell and scream at each other, but I knew I loved him, and I knew he loved me.

He said it enough, that was for sure.

I took a breath, in and out, calming down as I thought about Ren. All the times he'd been there, all the times he hadn't. I'd probably fallen for him the first night I hung out with him, only it had taken a while to overtake my love for Alex.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Care said, referring to the comment I'd made. She didn't sound sorry though. "At least it worked out!"

I nodded. "You better be lucky it did. It would be awkward if it hadn't. Especially since me and Ren would love each other and have no idea unless you forced us into it."

Care shrugged. "I wouldn't put it past me. Anyway, do you feel better now?"

I smiled. "Yeah. I'll just wear..." I pulled out a pair of loose jeans and a tube top. They weren't as fashionable anymore, but they were cute.

"Good idea. Now how do you expect to get this back into your closet?" Care asked, looking at the clothes pile.

I sighed, already starting to change. It wasn't like Care hadn't seen any of it before. "Magic? I don't know, I'll probably just go through all the clothes until I have to do laundry."

Care frowned. "As long as I don't smell it, I don't care. Now, didn't Ren say he'd be here at 6PM?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked, unclasping my bra straps so I could wear the tube top without having to worry about my bra.

"It's 6PM now, and if I know my brother..." Care paused, held up a finger, and not even a second later there was a knock.

I shuddered, slipping out of my sweats and into my jeans as fast as I could. "I don't know if that's a twin thing, or if you're just really weird."

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