I swallowed hard, blinking rapidly, and then it all just came spilling out in one big rush.

"Louis is confusing the hell out of me, cause one second he's nice and seems like an amazing person to get to know and the next he's yelling at me like I'm pathetic and need to get my life together, but honestly he's just keeping all of his emotions pent up inside, I can see it in his eyes every time he looks at me, he's scared and sad and just wants to be himself but he won't let himself do that for reasons unknown to me and I think I like him or something, I don't even know, but I can't stop thinking about him and all I want to do is hug him and tell him it's going to be alright cause I see how sad he is and I don't know what to do to help him, but I can't just sit here and do nothing, but he's pushing me away at every opportunity and I don't know what to do!"

Liam blinked once and then sighed, gripping my arm gently and looking at me with kind brown eyes.

"Harry...you can't put all of that on yourself, it's going to stress you the fuck out. Just...I guess I'm trying to understand him as much as you are, but you seem to be taking personal responsibility for whatever he's going through. We don't know what he's really like, other than the small glimpses of it that we've seen so far. I think you just need to, you know, ease your way in a bit. And also remember to breathe when you talk, because I barely caught all of that."

I gave a weak chuckle at that, my heart racing for no apparent reason. "I just...I want to understand. I want to know what makes him sad. I want to know why he pretends to be someone he's not. A lot more people would be kind to him if he was just himself around everyone. It doesn't make any sense to me."

"I know. But you've got to take it slow. He seems to be opening up more around you, even if he's been mean at those times as well. Give it some time. I mean...outside of school seems to be a better place for him. He's definitely more relaxed...maybe you can talk to Niall and see if you can get him to bring Louis and we can all meet for dinner at Nandos or something?"

I pondered that. I mean...that could work. If I wanted to be friends with Louis, or at least attempt to understand him, we had to start simple. And with Niall and Liam, that would be easy. Liam would talk Niall's ear off, and that left Louis and I to talk. Could work. I nodded and Liam smiled, taking my plate from me.

"I'll take these down and we'll get some rest, yeah? Tomorrow's Friday! Last day of the week. Maybe we can meet up on Saturday. We can talk to Niall tomorrow."

I nodded and Liam left the room. I lay back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. What made Louis sad? Why did he always look scared? What could I do to get him to trust me?

Liam was back in minutes, turning off the light and falling into bed. I was just about to fall asleep when he whispered in my ear,"So...you might like Louis Tomlinson?"

I choked on air, realizing that I actually may have mentioned that, which was not something I was prepared to admit to anyone, even Liam.

"Go to sleep, you wanker," I grumbled, throwing a pillow at him. I heard a sigh and then Liam's breathing became slow and distant as I fell asleep as well.


"Have you seen Louis?"

A breathless Niall caught up with me and Liam as we were leaving lunch, and both of us shook our heads.

"No, I figured he'd be with you, why?" Liam asked, his eyebrows drawing together in worry. Niall ran a hand through his already spiky hair, making it look even more disheveled.

"He didn't show up to get me this morning...he always picks me up on Friday because my mum has to work early and I don't have a working car...I thought maybe he forgot, but I haven't seen him all day. I'm worried. He doesn't just disappear without at least shooting me a text telling me not to worry."

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