"I don't deserve you Adam," I said honestly. Adam growled, it rumbled in his chest.

"Don't even think that Elizabeth, I'm serious," he said through clenched teeth. I nodded, kissing his neck. That seemed to calm him down. I yawned.

"Go back to bed, I'll be right here," Adam whispered, laying me down. I didn't protest. I cuddled to Adam's side, using his chest as a pillow. I fell asleep to the gentle strokes Adam made on my back.


I woke up really warm.

Remembering what happened last night, I snuggled even closer to Adam. He didn't seem to mind, he wrapped his arms around me tighter. Opening my eyes, I saw Adam was already awake. I smiled awkwardly,"Morning."

He smirked,"Good morning beautiful."

I sat up, stretching. I looked at my alarm clock. My eyes widened as I realized the time.

"Crap!", I yelled, leaping off my bed.

"What is it?", Adam asked, confused.

"Today is Saturday!", I explained.


I looked Desperately at my mate," Mo is going to kill me! I'm suppose to help her bake cakes for her church group today!"

I quickly changed ( in my closet, mind you) and bolted downstairs.

"Mo I'm sorry I woke up-", I started to say as I walked into the kitchen but I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw who was there.



After snapping out of my state of shock, I growled at my father.

"What are you doing here?!", I snarled.

Dad smiled sheepishly," I came to see my daughter."

"LEAVE.", I said, anger filling me up.

"Now Elizabeth calm down," dad said calmly. David walked into the kitchen, looked at my dad and me, and walked right back out. Gee thanks bro.

"Why are you here?", I asked again.

Dad got up from the kitchen table and walked towards me.

"Elizabeth I came here to say I'm sorry. Sure I was a coward and all that other stuff. You just must understand that when your mother died, half of me died inside. I couldn't look at you, it was to painful. I was depressed Lizzie. Please understand.", he explained. I crossed my arms over my chest, not convinced.

"If you loved mom so much then how come you're getting re-married?", I asked. Dad sighed deeply.

"I love Candy Elizabeth. She makes me happy," he said.

I rolled my eyes," I bet she does. Are you done now?"

"No, now sit!", he ordered, pulling out a chair for me. I glared at him as I sat with a huff. He sat across from me and laced his fingers together on the table.

"Lizzie look I love Candy, I really do. I know you hate me but can you please do this? Be in the wedding I mean. You're mother would have wanted you to-", I interrupted him by slapping him. Tears were in the verge of falling.

"Don't you dare bring my mother into this! She wouldn't have wanted you to have left me! She would have wanted you to stay and be a father but you're a coward! How dare you come here! I hate you! Get the hell out! GET OUT!", I yelled in his face, standing up. My father pressed a hand on his swelling check, his eyes cold and calculating.

Slowly, he stood up.

"I'll be back young lady. You WILL accept Candy as your mother! You WILL be our perfect little daughter and you WILL respect us! Do I make myself clear?!", he yelled, his eyes turning black.

I spat in his face,"Go to hell."

He lunged at me but somehow David and Adam pushed him back. David tackled my dad and held him by the throat against the wall. Adam was growling loudly, his whole body shaking from rage.

"GET OUT OF HERE! I BAND YOU FROM THIS TERRITORY! IF YOU EVEN THINK OF SETTING FOOT IN THIS HOUSE, I'LL KILL YOU!," Adam roared. I put my hands over my ears, that boy sure did have a set of lungs on him.

David growled at my father.

"Leave my sister alone! Do you hear me?! LEAVE HER ALONE! Get your whore and go away! Don't ever come back! THAT'S AN ORDER!", David used his alpha tone, making my dad flinch.

My brother roughly shoved my father out the door. Adam gathered me in his arms, making sure I was okay. I kissed his cheek,"I'm fine."

Mo came in the kitchen and patted my hand,"Child you'll be alright, he ain't comin back, I promise on my momma's grave."

I smiled at her.

I helped Mo cook cakes while Adam and David watched a football game. I laughed every time one of them would yell for their team. Boys and their football, I'll never understand that.

An hour later, I was done and sat next to Adam. He was paying attention to the game but he wrapped his arms around me. I started tickling him, making him squirm a little but he wouldn't unglue his eyes from the television. I smiled evilly. I stared tickling him even more, making him move away from me. Stubborn boy still wouldn't look at me. I started lightly biting his neck, making him squirm. He tightened his arms around me, squishing me. He smirked, satisfied.

"Jerk.", I pouted. Adam chuckled.

He kissed my forehead. I laughed, kissing his nose. He blushed deep red. It was adorable!

"Hey love birds, get a room!", David said with a nasty look.

Adam chuckled,"Don't be jealous Davy."

David just growled. I laughed, snuggling even more closely to my mate.

Life was good... For now anyways.

Author's note:

Sorry if it sucked.

Please read my other stories. You guys would tell me if I'm a horrible writer right? I hope so.

Listen to "your arms around me" by jens lekmen. It's a cute song, got it of of the movie WHIP IT (awesome movie by the way.





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