Chapter 36- Christmas Thursday, December 25, 2014

Magsimula sa umpisa

As if right on cue, Danny started to cry wanting to be held by the woman who gave him life. Melly came in the room immediately came into the kitchen, grabbed our son from my arm and went back to the kitchen to feed him, leaving me all alone in the living room with the TV flashing in the background.

I hope whatever this thing is between us changes soon. I really do.


Later that evening, I was in my old room stuffing another pillow in my Christmas outfit in the mirror. Back when we first discovered that we were expecting a child, Melly has briefly mentioned how I would look in a Santa costume. That thought has been clouding my mind for the past nine months and now that the opportunity has came, I won't turn it down.

There was a knock on the door, before Melly popped her head through the hole.

"We're all waiting for you, Santa." Melly said, staring at the wall behind me.

"Okay." I said, and with nothing left to say to be she left the room, leaving me alone to dwell with her distance from me.

I shook my head. I can't think about it. It's probably not a big deal and we'll be back together in no time. We're just adjusting to our new lives and that's perfectly okay. I just wished that she isn't closing herself from me while we're at it. I shook my head again to get rid of those depressing thoughts that isn't doing anyone good and adjust my Santa jacket again. It's Christmas, I need to think of happiness those thoughts to the world rather than act the flip version of it.

With my huge red sack behind my back, I finally left John's room and descended the stairs to meet my relatives. I smile when I heard Mia gasped at the sound of my heavy footsteps. She's probably eyeing my outfit right now.

"Santa!" I heard her yell before she ran towards once I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas, Mia and everyone else in the room!" I said in my best Santa imitation voice. I bent down and hugged the young girl as close to my body as I can.

She broke the embrace and looked at me with her big brown eyes popping out with each word that falls out of her mouth, "Did you bring presents?"

"Presents? Heck yeah, I brought present. Especially for you since you've been a very good girl this year." I said, reaching into my sack to retrieve a huge gift, perfectly wrapped in pink and gave it to her.

I watched with glee as the girl unwrapped it fast.

"A Barbie house!" Mia exclaimed in surprise.

I laughed at her response. During Black Friday, Melly and I went out to buy presents for everyone before the holidays. She knew that Danny would come at any given moment, so she wanted to get getting presents out of the way. One of the stores that we went to was Toys 'R' Us. There Melly bought Mia this big pink mansion fit for her to play with her dolls. It was expensive, almost like sixty bucks, but Melly is the kind of person that likes to get people the perfect gift and the Barbie house was it for Mia.

"Thank you, Santa!" Mia exclaimed, before hugging me again.

I hugged back, satisfied with making her smile. Although I didn't help Melly buy the present, I was the one who presented it to her and that's enough. I moved closer to living room, spreading out cheer within the large family.

"Ho ho ho," I laughed, receiving bright, white smiles from everyone else, even Melly, though she's still not looking at me. "Where's the new baby that I must greet?"

"Right here." Melly said, giving Danny to me.

I smiled at my newborn son as I hold him in my arms. "Ho ho ho. So you must be the Danny everyone is talking about?" He didn't respond, so I just continued, "Because you've been such a good boy, I'm giving you two presents."

I saw Melly's fall open at the sound of that as I reached into my sack to retrieve a blue foot ornament. "This is for the Christmas tree to signify your first Christmas." I gave it to Melly, who immediately put it on the holiday tree, while I reached into my sack again, "And this is a new elf hat, that you'd get to wear all day."

I put the green and red striped hat with two elf ears sticking on the side on Danny's head. He looks as adorable as ever.

"Merry Christmas, buddy." I whispered in his ears, before kissing his cheek.

He looked at me as his lips turned upwards. I kissed my son again before settling myself down next to my fiance. I looked one look at her to know that she's trying to tolerate the little Christmas party as much as she can for everyone's sake, when in reality she's bored as fuck.

I cleared my throat trying to get her attention. "I know we agreed not to give each other Christmas presents this year, and I know you told me not to give you anything after your birthday, but I couldn't help, but get you something."

Melly raised her perfectly arched eyebrows as I digged through my bag to retrieve a small, blue box, tightly wrapped with a silky, white bow. Melly carefully grabbed it out of my hand. She looked at me before she loosened the string and opened it. I heard her gasped in surprise as she pinched a gold Alex and Ani bangle bracelet out of the bag. The main charm quoted, "You're my wonderwall." I looked at our son, kind of afraid of her reaction, until I felt her warm, caramel arms wrapped around my shoulders. She kisses my cheek.

"It's perfect." She said with a loving smile on her face. "I got you something as well."

It was my turn to raise my eyebrows when I she pulls out the same blue box as well. I chuckled at thought that she got the same present for me. I opened that box to see that I got a bracelet as well, only with a different quote, "Because I love you." I looked up at her and kissed her lips.

"It's perfect." I said in a low voice that only she and Danny could hear.

She smiled before she kissed me again, and instantly I feel my muscles relax after not being able to touch her, or even communicate with her for the past few days.

"Mommy, why is she kissing Santa Claus? Where's Derek?" I heard Mia say, causing us to break out of her intimacy.

"Guys, there's still kids in the room." Mom said.

We exchanged a look, before we looked at them and said, "Oops."

Melly and I shared a laughed, before she sat back down within a respective distance. We spent the rest of the evening, opening presents, singing Christmas song, sharing stories, eating gingerbread cookies, and drinking milk until we realize that it's late and it's time to go back to sleep.

Song Credit:

Title: Jingle Bells

Artist: Drake Bell

Album: Merry Nickmas

Featured: Merry Christmas, Drake and Josh

Released: September 16, 1857

Cover Released for the Movie: December 5, 2008

Written by: James Pierpoint

Producer: N/A

Label: N/A

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