Chapter 8: Raid!!!! (Logan's POV)

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A/N So So sorry it took so long to update this! Writers block! But here it is now! In Logan's POV!!!! Hope you all enjoy!


Logan’s POV

       I was at my desk waiting for Jack, she needed to get here so that way we could go over to help Patterson’s team with their raid. Josh was sitting on the couch, he was grumbling because Emma had run off somewhere. And when I called Jack about it last night she had said something about Emma telling Chris.

      I had relayed the message to Rollins, but that didn’t make him any happier. I was just about to call Jack when she burst into the room. “Sorry I know I’m late! But I signed my lease yesterday and I was so eager to get out of that hotel that I was up late moving!”She said happily as I watched her take her stuff over to her desk. I swallowed a lump in my throat as I watched her walk, who was I kidding, I couldn’t watch her walk! It drove me nuts.

     She wasn’t wearing a jacket today, probably because it was so warm out, but her skinny jeans and tight black band t-shirt had me thinking things I rather wouldn’t. “It’s okay Jack, were just glad you’re here now because we’re helping Patterson’s team with a raid today.” I said trying to keep my voice level.

    “Seriously? You mean we are actually going to do something FBI oriented today?” She asked a big grin on her face. “Yea Bates what didn’t you get?” Rollins grumbled as Jack did a little happy dance in the middle of the room.

     “Emma is gonna be so mad she missed this.” Jack said as she grabbed her gun from her desk. And looked at us expectantly. “What are you looking at?” Rollins asked as Jack put her hand on her hip and turned to him.

    “You said we were going on a raid today! I am ready to go!” She said bossily yet her voice was full of excitement. The whole image to me was great, her hand on her hip, she never scolded me like that, I need to make sure I do something to get looked at like that. How can Rollins stand it?

    “Were going on the raid in an hour Bates, and the briefing is in fifteen minutes sit down.” Rollins said as Jack glared at him for a minute and then went and sat down. I picked up my phone and texted Jack.

“Rollins is such a douche sometimes ;)”

     I sent the text and watched Jack pick up her phone and smile as she read. She sat there for a minute and then my phone buzzed.

“No shit Sherlock ;)”

     “Oh my gosh! Are you two texting each other?” Josh said with a funny grin on his face. I was about to confess when Jack saved the day. “Josh? Why would we be texting each other, when if we wanted to talk in private we could just kick you out?” Jack lied perfectly and Josh shot her a dirty look.

     “Okay!” I said standing up. “We can go now!” I said as Jack jumped up and Rollins groaned. As me and Jack looked at him. “Dude haul ass off the couch now!” I said as Josh got up and followed us out of the room.

     We went down the hall to briefing room 2A and went inside. It was already very crowded and we had to stand in the corner quietly. The room was so crowded that me and Jack had to stand very close together, I could smell her perfume she was so close, and it was driving me nuts.

    As if Rollins read my mind he leaned over and asked Jack what her perfume was. “Obsession.” She replied and Josh winked at me. I rolled my eyes as the briefing started. It was about fifteen minutes long and at the end we were fully briefed on our relatively simple task.

Fatal Passion (Sequel to Fatal Attraction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora