Chapter 6: Knocked up.

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A/N Hey all! THis chapter is Jack's POV! So her thoughts on everything here! I think the next will be Logan's but I am not sure yet! Hope you enjoy guys!


            Monday morning I walked into the FBI office feeling very happy. I had no particular reason to be happy, I just was. I walked into my office and Logan was sitting there with his feet on his desk looking especially bored.

    “I’m bored Jack.” Logan said as I came in and sat down. “Its eight a.m. Logan, how can you be bored already?” I asked and he shrugged. “I haven’t had a proper case in almost a month, that’s why.” He said and I chuckled.

   “Don’t worry, some scum bag will kill someone eventually.” I said and he rolled his chair over to my desk. “But I can’t wait much longer Jackie!” He whined at me, as I turned on my laptop and rolled my eyes. “You’ll live Logan I promise.” I said as he pouted some more and rolled back over to his desk.

   We sat in silence for a few minutes, well rather I answered emails and did paperwork while Logan watched me from his desk like a creeper. I decided to ignore him, since paying him attention was what he wanted from me.

    I was answering an email from my sister when Josh burst into the room. “Richardson is late!” He exclaimed as he plopped down on the couch in our office. “Chillax Josh, I am sure she has a good reason.” I said as I finished the email and sent it.

      “Yea sure if you say so.” Josh grumbled as Emma burst into the room. “Sorry I’m late guys! It was a hectic weekend.” Emma said as she drink from her bottle of Tropicana orange juice. “Em why are you drinking orange juice?” I asked as Emma stuck her tongue out at Rollins and then looked at me.

    “I’m drinking orange juice because its good Jack.” Emma said as she took another drink. “Emma you hate orange juice and oranges in general.” I said as I stood up and walked over to my friend.

     “No Jack, I like them!” She said happily as I took her face in my hands and looked into her eyes. I glanced up and down at her body and then back at her face again. “Just kiss her already Bates!” Josh said suddenly interested in what was going on.

     “Dude you are such a pervert.” Logan said as his friend shrugged and continued to watch Jack and Emma. “Oh my gosh! You’re not… you’re not?” I said suddenly gesturing at Emma’s body.

    “Expecting? Yes Jack how did you know?” Emma yelled as I took my friend into a tight hug. “Congrats Emma! Have you told Chris yet?” I asked and Emma shook her head. “Good goin girly.” Logan said as he gave Emma a hug.

   “Whoa! Wait did I miss something here? What do you mean by expecting?” Rollins asked as we all turned to stare at him. “Seriously Josh? You don’t know?” I asked as Logan grinned. “See buddy its real simple.” Logan started.

    “When a man and a woman love each other.” I continued. “They get together and make a baby.” Emma said as Rollins stood up clearly angry. “I know what you mean! How is this possible?” He said gesturing at Emma.

     “Well Josh, not that it’s any of your business, but me and Chris love each other very much.” Emma said and Josh glared at her. “Yes Richardson I know! I have been hearing about how much you love you husband all week!” He yelled.

    “What am I going to do? I can’t have a knocked up woman out in the field.” Rollins exclaimed and Emma’s hands flew to her hips. “Josh Rollins you take that back! I am pregnant! Not Knocked up!” She yelled as I chuckled.

     Here we go, Emma and Josh fighting as usual. I thought to myself as I went over and stood next to Logan. “Want to go get something to eat while these two duke it out?” I asked and he nodded. “Sounds good to me. Chinese?” he asked as we left the bickering Richardson and Rollins behind. “Yep!” I said as we walked towards the elevators. “I can’t believe Emma is pregnant!” I said as we stepped into the elevator. “Me either, but it does come at a bad time for her career.” Logan said and I nodded.

    “She won’t be allowed out into the field anymore, and she needs to tell the head of this department that she is pregnant or I will, I won’t have her getting hurt.” Logan said and I smiled. “Don’t worry Logan, Emma is responsible and Chris won’t let her into the field once he knows either.” I said as we stepped out of the elevator and left the building for the Chinese place around  the corner.

This is super duper short I know, and I am sorry for that since my chapters are usually fairly long! But I wanted to get this chapter up! Hope you liked! Vote and Comment!


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