Chapter 5: Lunch with a Rock Star.

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A/N Hey guys! Here is the next chapter hope you enjoy it! Also I am going to start writing chapters in certain characters POV, so when I do the chapter title will include in () Josh's POV or Jack's POV etc... I won't write in a characters POV if they already have a side story, so I won't write in either Zak or Emma's POV's Anywhoo! Enjoy!


      Jack was woken by the sound of her phone playing “New Divide.” By Linkin Park. She rolled over and grabbed her phone answering it. “Ethan what do you want, its freaking seven thirty in the morning and I got in late.” Jack said into the phone.

     “Oh sorry Jack, I can call back…”Ethan started but Jack cut him off. “No No! It’s okay, I’m up now. What’s going on? You’re a musician, you are never up before like 11 right?” Jack said as she sat up in bed and swung her legs over the side.

     “Oh very funny Jack, no I am in town, and I just really need someone to talk too. Can we meet for lunch later?” Ethan asked over the phone and Jack sighed. “Yea sure, how does Lang Dons on the corner of 7th and Park sound? At eleven thirty.” Jack said. “Yea sounds good to me, see you then Jack.” Ethan said as he hung up the phone.

    Jack rolled out of bed and shuffled off to the bathroom to take a shower. She got out and dried her hair and did her makeup, she went and grabbed skinny jeans, one of Ethan’s band t-shirts, heels and a denim vest. She put on her clothes and then after putting her hair up in a high ponytail she grabbed her purse and keys and left the room. She went down and left the hotel, she had a few meetings with realtors at some apartments in town before she had to meet Ethan for lunch.

    The first was a modern two bedroom two and a half bath loft style situated on the sixth floor of a building not far from Jack’s hotel. She liked this area and the apartment was a good price, for New York that is. She told the realtor she would be in touch and then left to go to her second appointment.

   The second apartment was right near the restaurant she was meeting Ethan at, which is why she picked that restaurant, since it was very close to where she was going. She reached the apartment, which was also a two bedroom two and a half bath, virtually the same size as the other, but this place was fully furnished, also a loft style, but it was a little more of a homey modern, than a cold white and steel modern, Jack thought she liked this place better.

   She told the realtor she would be in touch, and then left the flat, and made her way to the restaurant. Ethan was already there and had a table. Jack made her way over to him and sat down. “Hey Jack how have you been?” Ethan asked. “Fine, how about yourself?” Jack asked and Ethan shrugged.

   “I’m alright, but being a famous rockstar is hard work.” He said with a sigh and Jack laughed. “Well you should have known what you were getting into before you started.” She said at the same time Ethan saw her shirt.

    “Would you like me to sign that?” He asked pointing at it. “Oh this old thing? Nah it’s just an old shirt some unknown rockstar gave me years ago.” She said and Ethan laughed. “Nice one, thanks for making me laugh Jackie, that’s hard to do these days.” Ethan said and Jack gave his hand a squeeze.

     “It’ll be alright Ethan, you’ll see. But anyway! What did you need to talk to me about?” Jack asked as the waitress came and took their orders. “Oh right yes, do you know anyone who can pull off the rocker look, and is an awesome guitarist?” Ethan asked as Jack thought for a minute and then answered.

   “Maybe why?” She asked. “Because one of my guitarists got the stomach flu, and he can’t play, I need someone to fill in for him.” Ethan said and Jack nodded. “Logan Reed, he is an epic guitarist, even I don’t play better than him.” Jack said and Ethan’s face lit up.

    “Right I totally forgot about Logan, he is a stellar guitarist, do you think he would do it?” Ethan asked as their food came and they dug in. “Well if I get some tickets to your concert I can guarantee he will do it.” Jack said with a grin.

    “No problem there, but how can you guarantee?” Ethan asked and Jack smiled wider. “Logan will do pretty much anything I ask him too, I don’t know if it’s wrong of me to capitalize on his crush, or not, but it’s certainly beneficial.” Jack said and Ethan laughed.

     “I almost forgot how much I missed hanging out with you.” Ethan said as Jack smiled. “Your right, we should do it more often.” Jack said and Ethan sighed again. “Even though our friends would hate the thought of us doing it?” Ethan asked.

    “Look I love my friends dearly, and I can honestly say you are not on their love list at the moment. But you’re my friend too Ethan, no matter what happened between you and Zak, and my friends just have to accept that.” Jack said and Ethan smiled.

    “Thanks Jack, I had a blast.” Ethan said as he paid for lunch despite Jack’s protest and they parted ways outside the restaurant. Jack walked back down the street towards her hotel and texted Logan asking if she could come over later and talk to him about something. Logan said that was fine, and if she wanted  to come around dinner that would be great.

     Jack went back to her hotel and watched some tv before changing and taking a cab over to Logan’s house. She had only been to his apartment one other time, but she loved the way it was layed out, she walked up to his door and rang the buzzer. She heard the door unlock and she stepped into the utility elevator that took her up to his place.

    She stepped out of the elevator and into the living room. “Hey Jack! Have a seat I will be there in a sec!” She heard Logan call from somewhere in the house and Jack took off her shoes and walked into the living room.

    She looked at the pictures on the wall as she waited for Logan to come out, they were all of him, with either his mom and dad or a girl who Jack assumed was his sister. “She has two kids now, never thought my little sister would get married before me.” Logan said as he came out and appeared behind Jack.

   “She’s beautiful.” Jack said and Logan nodded. “That she is, want a beer?” He asked was he headed towards the kitchen. “Sure thanks.” Jack said as she sat down. Logan came back a minute later with two beers, he handed one to Jack as he sat down on the couch.

     “So what do you need to talk to me about?” Logan asked as Jack took a swig of her beer. “Ethan’s guitarist in his band got sick, and he needs someone to fill in, I suggested you.” Jack said and Logan nodded.

    “Why me?” He asked. “because you look like a rockstar, and you are a killer guitarist.” Jack said and Logan gave a thank you nod. “When is it?” Logan asked and Jack smiled. “This Saturday, Ethan will go over what you have to play.” Jack said and Logan smiled. “Fine! But only because you asked.” Logan said and Jack laughed. “I knew you couldn’t say no.” She said with a wink.

There you go people! Another day another chapter!!!!! Hope you liked! Vote and Comment please!

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