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Myra shuts down her notebook. Everything is in order. She stretched and decided to call it quits for the day. The watch showed it was 10.42 pm.
"oh shit, its past Aarav's bedtime."
She hurried to the upstairs bedroom that she shared with Aarav. Everynight they have dinner at 8 pm. Then she goes to her officeroom to her account books, while Aarav studies or read comics. She has never had to help him with his homework, so she lets him study alone. Aarav's bedtime is 10.30 and no matter how busy Myra is she likes to put him to bed herself. Sometimes she tells him the stories of Krishna or Devi Maiyya, sometimes she tells him of stories from her childhood, of her growing up in a colourful, noisy city called Lucknow that she has left behind , for good...
The tortoise lamp on Aarav's bedside table is still on and in the eerie light of the lamp Aarav looks tiny under the sheets. She sits by his side, switches on the light ever so silently and rubs Aarav's hair and cheek softly. Her hand comes of moist. She hears a sniff.
"What's wrong baby? Did something happen? Are you feeling well? Talk to me" , Myra asks anxiously as she turns around to switch the light back on. But Aarav just jumps up and hugs her, now crying freely.
"Where's dad, mom? Its father's day next week. All my friends are making plans. Where is my dad? Why does not he live here? Does he hate us? Is he dead?"
Aarav keeps saying through his sobs. He is inconsolable. He pushes Myra's hands when she tries to wipe his tears.
Myra's heart breaks for her son.
She had always feared this day before would come. One day Aarav would ask her about his dad. And he should be too. Over the years, through the sleepless nights Myra had asked herself this question countless of times, what would she tell Aarav. And in recent times, looking at Aarav she has decided that she would give him the truth. He has a right to know his father. She could never lie about Arnav ji abandoning them, her conscience would not let her. She had contemplated on telling Aarav that his dad is no more. But her heart would not let her. Sometimes she wonders if it was indeed a mistake, her leaving everything behind, taking away Aarav with her , their son. She was young and not really in a good emotional state to make such a big decision, Myra thinks. Maybe there's still hope, she wonders. But the next moment she realizes what a foolish thought it is. She was the one who left him on their wedding day. By now he must have married a girl more suitable for him and has a family of his own. I can't create chaos in his life again, she tells herself. The struggle is eternal.
But at the same time, Myra could not bear the thought of being dishonest to the only family she has. But she had not expected this day would come so soon.
"No baby, your dad does not hate us. Mumma had to leave him. She could not be with him because she was hurting him. Your dad does even know he has you. He is the best man I know. He loved mumma very much. He would have loved you so much. He is exactly like you", Myra says as she hugs her son harder, on the verge of crying.
"He is in India, isn't he? That's why we never go to India. Can I never see him?", Aarav asks and at that moment Myra gets shocked realizing how old he sounds. It breaks her heart. A kid his age should not be put through such pain. She will never be able to forgive herself for what she did if she lets her son live a life of lies and waiting. At least he deserves closure. She finds no way to sort out the mess. The mess she herself had created and without realizing she had dragged Aarav's life into it too.
"Mumma is so sorry. Mumma didn't know. Mumma is so sorry", Myra cries hugging her son.
"I want to see dad", Aarav speaks feebly one last time.
And at that moment, Myra makes a decision. Its time to rectify her mistake.
"You will meet your dad. We will go to see dad" , she says, her voice stronger with resolve. She can't think like a heartbroken lonely bride now. She has to do what's right for her son. No matter the consequences. Its time to face the truth. Its time to go back.

Iss Pyaar Ko Kyaa Naam Doon-a new turn (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now