Tickles Of The Heart

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I paced around my small cage inside my mind. 

Capture Naruto?!

What was Alice even thinking?!

How would we even go about this?

Better yet, why would we?!

Oh, sweetie, it's called being covert...

Naruto is super duper strong! Not to mention everyone else in Konoha! We would be killed!

Sagara, I'm tired, I'm letting you take over.

What! W-wait!


"OOWW!" I clutched my head, as it was throbbing in pain. I had fallen on the ground, and I was only a quarter mile from Konoha's border. It always really hurt whenever I came back. I'd probably have a massive migraine for the rest of the day. It was about noon, now. Alice had slept for about five hours after we left the Akatsuki base. I got up, looking in the distance at the entrance of Konoha.

What the heck? Might as well go to Konoha.

I walked up to the gate, where Kotetsu and Izumo were, and they politely stopped me.

"State your name and business." Izumo asked.

"My name is Himitsu Sagara and I'd like an audience with the Hokage." They both perked up at my name, as expected. Apparently, the Hokage was looking for me. Izumo took my arm, and gently escorted me in, as if even though I was a fugitive, he wanted to not be rough with a girl. How sweet.

We were a suspicious sight through the streets of Konoha, but everyone seemed to look away after a minute, guessing it was some secret ninja business they should stay out of. Izumo guided me into the Hokage's building, and he left me in front of the door. I then met two super mysterious ANBU's who escorted me inside.

Tsunade was... Well... Less than happy to see me.

"You little! Why'd you run away!?" She shouts, as soon as the ANBU leave. I smiled deviously.

"Oh, come now, Tsunade, I have to keep some air of mystery around me, or else it's no fun." I pouted. She slams her hands on her desk, and stands up.

"Cut the crap! Answer!" Tsunade yells.

"Tsk, tsk, temper, temper. You know, Hokage-sama, people with bad tempers live shorter lives." I lecture. She looks even more enraged.

If that's possible.

"Okay," I commend, " Since you asked so nicely, I'll answer your questions... - If you let me stay here and be a shinobi!" I demand. Tsunade smirks.

"Fine! I can deal with that! First question- Name?" Tsunade sits back down.

"Himitsu Sagara. Sagara's my surname. Himitsu's my chosen name." I explain.

"Chosen?" Tsunade asks. Usually the first name is called the given name, not chosen.

"Well, when I was little, I was separated from my family. I couldn't remember my given name, so I chose a new one." I shrugged, all there was to it.

"I see. Kekkei Genkai?" Tsunade questioned.

"That's a good question......... I have no earthly clue." I blink.

"Huh?" Tsunade raises an eyebrow.

"Well," I say, lifting my shoulders to hide my burning ears, "I've only mastered the sword. I've never practiced ninjutsu..." 

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