The Dawn Comes To Me

298 17 3

I stood up. I must've been somehow transported to the Naruto world! That's the only explanation I had. My prayer had been fulfilled! But I frowned. Something was different. My thoughts were much more clear. I could make full thought processes now. It seemed as though everything that my brain used to be came back. I was... No longer insane.

I jumped for joy!

This was amazing! I was... How I used to be! I wasn't going to be a handicapped child in a world of deception and death. I sighed with relief on that one. And the fact that I had come here with a good head on my shoulders calmed me a bit.

"Hey, what's that, un?" I heard a seemingly familiar voice of a Naruto character. I almost got it immediately.

It was Deidara!

Based on the series, he could be with a couple people. Sasori, Tobi, or... Yeah, I got nothing else.

"Just don't make me wait." Sasori. That's who it was. I saw them come through the clearing, just staring at me.

It was... least to say... Uncomfortable.

"Who are you, un?" Deidara gestured to me.

"No." I answered back, regaining my ground.

"What?" Sasori snapped.

"I won't give you my name!" I declared.

"Give us a name, kid!" Sasori yelled.

"Fine. I'll give you a name. Donald Duck." I moved my head with a sassy attitude.

"That can't be your name, un." Deidara sweat dropped.

"Well, it's just a name, not my name. If you wanted my name, you should've asked for it." I crossed my arms, and slightly turned away.

"I'm getting tired of this kid's attitude. Maybe we should kill her, un." Deidara whispered way too loudly. I sweat dropped. You don't talk about people's demise in front of them.

It's just rude.

 My golden brown eyes blinked for a moment when I turned around. They had a devious look on their faces, as if they thought I hadn't heard them or something.

Are they seriously Akatsuki?

"Hey kid, how about you fight me? If you win I'll let you go. You lose, you die, un." Deidara smirked.

Was he challenging me?

Dang right he was challenging me.

I smirked my own cocky smile, and grabbed the hilt of my sword. I put my other hand on the sheathe, and I got ready to draw my sword. I did not yet know how to use ninjutsu here yet, so my sword and taijutsu would have to do. But Deidara was Akatsuki. This was going to be difficult.

Wait a minute... Deidara and Sasori? There's only one part where they're together...

They're going to capture Gaara!

I didn't want to unnecessarily change the storyline, but I also hated the fact that Suna and Naruto goes through a lot of pain in this arc.

I quickly came up with a good plan.  I nodded slightly to myself, something I usually had only done when I thought of escape tactics while I was 'there'.

I unsheathed my sword with abnormal speed, and charged with unbelievable strength. Even Deidara looked shaken as he quickly pulled out a kunai to counter my sword. I brought down my sword with crushing strength, and snapped his weapon in half. His eyes widened in surprise. I whipped my arm around, and sliced at his torso, leaving a small, deep cut at his ribs. The force of the sword, slammed him into the tree beside him.

"Unnffh!" He cried in shock. He quickly recovered, and caught me by surprise as he charged at my unsteady stance and slammed his hand over my face, stuffing explosive clay down my throat.

Oh, crap.

He smirked and activated his jutsu.

I squeezed shut my eyes and waited for the tearing of my bones and flesh.





I opened my eyes to see myself fully intact. And almost burst out laughing at the priceless face on Deidara.

Why did the clay not work? That seemed the question. I was just as dumbfounded as they were. And I had no upper hand on this situation. How to deal?

Time for huge bluffs that I could only pull outta my butt.

"If you thought that stupid jutsu would work, you're sorely mistaken, Akatsuki." I said with confidence that I didn't have.

"How do you know we're Akatsuki?!" Sasori yelled.

"How do you think, freaky puppet dude? Your cloaks!" I retorted rudely. They both seemed surprised that something as insignificant as their cloaks gave them away. Well, I could understand.

Suddenly. they both disappeared and I raised my sword in front of me in a defensive position. I felt a huge weight of force smash into my back. I fell to the ground, out of breath, and defeated.

Deidara lifted my sword, and looked like he was about to kill me. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for death again. Then I felt a plucking motion at my waist. I looked back up at Deidara sheathing my sword.

"Let's take her back with us after the mission. She could be useful." He simply stated. 

I secretly smirked.

Mission accomplished.

-           --------------------Naruto's P.O.V.--------------------------             -

I silently sat in my room. I was finally back at Konoha. I should've been really happy. It wasn't that I didn't like being back. It was the cold sense of dreadful foreboding. Like something bad was going to happen. 

I walked around my dusty, dark bedroom. I would, unfortunately, have a lot of cleaning to do later. I picked up the picture of the old, younger, Team 7. I was still resolved to find Sasuke. Even if it would be an impossible task.

Suddenly, unexplicably, I felt a cold hand over my shoulder.

In the next moment, I was on the ground, convulsing in pain.

"DARRRGHH!!" It felt like every molecule in my body was being torn violently apart.

Then, just as abruptly as it had began, it stopped. I laid on the ground, most likely drooling from my mouth. But at the moment I was still trying to make sure I wasn't dead.

"What the heck?" I mumbled.



Anybody else like so totally happy about this? I am. I'm actually publishing crap.

This is a miracle.

Seriously, how do you put up with me?

Y'all must be Mother Teresa or something, I don't even...

Moving on....


I don't hate penguins anymore.

I won't tell you why.

But I don't.







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