RaNdOm #1

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Hello everyone, and welcome to my wacky world.

So I'm writing this at 8:25 am on my week off from school, so you're probably like-


Well, for starters, I couldn't sleep. I fell asleep at like ten, then woke up at 1:45am, where I watched a gaming stream for two hours and got 4 more hours of sleep.

'Cause technically I woke up at 7.

As for my other stories, I'll continue them. Sorry for being AWOL for such a long time. 

I've been reading A LOT and school has taken a toll on me.

And honors classes and science fair take forever to finish homework/research for.

Excuses, excuses Tenneh.

Well, I need to explain the reasons, conscience.

I'm gonna stop writing before this gets really weird.

Ciao for now.

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