One - Bacon

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My name is Cassandra Airelle. I was 17 years old and my birthday was in four days.

I was living with my parents in Glendale, California, which is a city or two from Los Angeles.

A while ago, my parents got me a job at a Starbucks in L.A. because they knew the manager; I didn't start until later that coming up weekend, it being Sunday. I was quite excited about this because Toby Turner visits there a lot.

I was totally in love with a man I'd never even met. I was okay with that, but my parents? Not so much. Later on I'd learn exactly why.


I was laying in bed thinking about what exactly I was going to do that day, when I remembered that I had to attempt to look for my own place. I wonder if boyfriends come with that also.

I was almost out of highschool and I'd had two boyfriends in my whole highschool career. I guess that was better than none at all or twenty of them. Anyway, I'm not too tough to please but I have standards, standards like: you have to be Toby Turner.

Not really, but you know, I wouldn't mind it.

I had finally brought myself to crawl out of bed and get dressed in one of my Star Wars shirts and some skinny jeans, then I went down stairs. I was welcomed by my early riser of a brother, Tyler. He was one year and four months old and he got up so early; it was 9:30 and he usually got up around 7:30.

I said "good morning" to my parents who were sitting at the table, debating about silly things. I looked in the refrigerator because I was hungry and I spotted some bacon. Yummy! I grabbed it and looked at my parents with puppy dog eyes and they told me to cook it.

What time is it? BACON TIME!

The bacon popped a lot causing me to squeal each time. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it because it was bacon, of course. When the bacon was done cooking along with the toast and eggs, I served it. We ate and I told them, "I'm going to look for a place to live today."

"That's good, where were you planning on looking?" My dad asked sipping his coffee.

"Hopefully somewhere in Los Angeles." I said as I was about to take a bite of my last piece of bacon.

"Why? So you can meet the "love of your life"?" My mom said sarcastically.

They both hated the fact that I "loved" a 28 year-old gamer on YouTube. They'd get over it eventually. Maybe. . .

I mean, it's been four years since I first watched one of his videos. Why can't they just accept the fact that I love him and get over it. Oh, parents.

I stared blankly at them and drank my iced tea I'd gotten with my food. "Yep! That's totally the only reason." I said sarcastically with a roll of my eyes. My mom gave me the evil eye and that's when I got up to cleaned the mess. After that, I went upstairs and called my best friend, Bailey. I could always put my problems on her.

Hey, that's what best friends were for. You're there when they need someone to complain to and vice versa. I could always count on Bailey to say the right thing.

Taking Chances → Toby " Tobuscus " Turner ← {1}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя