Chapter 3 - I kissed a girl and I liked it.

Comenzar desde el principio

After drying off, I grabbed my favourite pair of slim jeans, and a wool cardigan and threw them on. I dished a bowl of alfredo and placed the plastic cover over it, before running out of the house. I was sure Ben would be pleasantly surprised to see me, especially since I brought lunch.

The sun beat harshly through the windows of my car, but that didn't stop the cool, fall air from giving me a chill. The drive took about fifteen minutes, by highway. As I was still a few yards away from Ben's home, I see him talking to a woman in the doorway. He smiled widely at her, laughing at something she must have said, before leaning in and hugged her.

I frowned and sped up a little. The wheels of my car screeched in the driveway, and I watched as the tall brunette walked away, and entered the car parked out front.

"Who was that?" I asked, as she drove off. I shut the door of my car, trying my hardest not to slam it-but it did anyways.

Ben looked like a deer in headlights, and it made me awfully suspicious.

"O-One of Robin's flings."

I nodded, "I didn't know you were so hands on with your sister's girlfriends."

I walked past him as I entered the house, my small shoulders shoving him out of the way. There was a faint burning smell in the house, and as I walked further inside, I saw that it was coming from the kitchen.

Robin was leaning against the counter, wearing only boxer briefs and a sports bra. She had her hair up in her famous messy bun, with a thick blunt between her lips. As soon as she saw me, her lips curled upward into a sneaky smirk.

"Well well, never thought I'd be seeing you this early after last night."

I raised my brow at her as I fanned clouds of smoke away from my face. "Speaking of which, what happened last night? I don't even remember bumping into you."

She chuckled, "Well maybe that's a good thing. I bet you wouldn't want to remember what actually happened."

"What happened when?" Ben butts in; I didn't even hear him walk up behind me.

Robin smiles, and lets out another cloud of smoke before walking off towards the basement.

"Don't worry about that." I handed him the container of food. "I cooked."

"Awe, thank you Ashley." He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.

The kiss became intimate, and rough. I could feel his longing for me-in more ways than one. His bulge was pressed against my thigh as his arms wrapped around my waist, and he pulled me tighter. I had never seen this side of Ben before-it was like I was experiencing him for the first time-and this would actually be the first time.

He lifted me bridal style and took me up to his bedroom. "Thanks for the food, but I think I'd rather eat something else?"

What the hell happened to Shy Ben? I thought as he dragged my jeans off and tossed it to the side. He single-handedly removed my underwear and I felt his lips on my core.

I can honestly say, I didn't miss shy Ben one bit.


Ben's soft snores were heard beside me. It had been an hour after we'd done the deed and I couldn't sleep. I was tired, worn actually but I couldn't sleep. I never could, even when I was younger.

Sometimes I'd fall asleep with Sean, but I was always awoken by something-the fleeting feeling of waking up alone, like I always did. I sighed and got out of the bed. Grabbing Ben's flannel shirt, I pulled it over my shoulders and used one of his boxer's as pants.

I tiptoed out of the room, and pulled the door closed quietly before walking down the stairs. The smell of smoke was still in the air, but it wasn't as bad as before. The platter that I'd brought the pasta over in laid empty on the counter.


I opened the door to the basement and crept downstairs. It was the first time I'd ever been in their basement regardless of the months that I'd been dating Ben. He always told me that the Basement was off limits, but I often wondered how I'd never run into Robin here before now.

"What are you doing down here?" Robin was standing at the foot of the stairs, still half naked. My eyes glazed over her stomach as it clenched and unclenched every time she took a breath. I felt as if I was obsessed, obsessed with everything that she did. She made it seem like magic, the simplest of things seemed so magical.

"I need to talk to you," I walked past her and made myself comfortable on the leather couch.

"You have a habit of shoving people out of the way, it's pretty rude." Robin noted.

"Sorry," I didn't actually mean it. "But, I woke up with a huge bruise on my arm this, and I was hoping you could tell me what happened."

"Did you seriously come down here after riding Ben's dick to try and converse with me?" she asked incredulously.

I stared at her with my mouth hung open, "You're disgusting."

"No, you're fucking disgusting."

"You're one to talk, after you've had two or three different women walking in and out of here in a span of days." I was raising my voice now.

She chuckled humourlessly. "Let me guess, is that what Ben told you?"

My eyebrows connected, "That's the truth, cold, hard, facts."

She shrugged, "If that's what you think."

I stood from the leather couch, extremely angry at the entire situation. I have never felt so disrespected in my life, and if she thinks I'm gonna sit here and let her talk to me like that, it's not happening.

"You must think I'm one of Ben's useless little bitches that he brought around before. That's not me. I'm Ashley, and Ashley does not sit around and get trash thrown in her face, and slut shamed for sleeping with my fucking boyfriend. Especially not by the likes of you."

Robin looked taken aback, I knew she definitely wasn't expecting me to blow up like that. I was naturally hot-headed, all through high school. I was quick with words and only my best friend, Jessica got away with certain things. Other than her, no one would try it with me-it just wasn't happening.

"Oh," she said finally. A smile slipped onto her lips, showing off her lone dimple. She was smiling? I didn't quite understand this woman. "You want to know what happened?"

She stepped towards me, backing me into the wall beside the couch.

"I had to rescue you from a sleezy drunk in the club." She was an inch away from my face. "And because you were so grateful..." she leaned in, whispering in my ear. "You repaid me...with a kiss. And you know what Ashley? I kinda liked it."

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