changing of seasons

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we found comfort in
planning road trips
and walking trips
and any other sort of trip
we could possibly think up

we wanted to ride
every roller coaster
in the entire park
until our lungs
were screaming louder
than the screeching
of metal

we dreamt of watching
movies and playing games
(you were always
the competitive one
of us two, even if
it was subtle)

on cold halloween nights
we'd be wrapped up
in each other's warmth
and you'd breathe on
my neck before kissing
my nose

we were going to
scream and head-bang
till our necks felt like rubber
and we were seeing stars
from looking at one another
in the pulsing concert lights

but instead we've settled for
small talk and sad smiles
oh, how did things end up so wrong?

lemon lavender & long nightsWhere stories live. Discover now