Chapter 6: I Just...Dont understand!

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When I saw Vheronica and Jazzy biking down the street, I was so happy! The truth was that I was supposed to be at Laya's house, but apparently she already had plans with Nicole. I hate it when people do this, but, at least I got to practice my bass for 45 more minutes!! A+! But still... As the two got closer, I noticed how bedraggled their appearance was. As they came up to me, I don't think they realized that they were speaking half gibberish! I only caught a few of my pets' names. "Wait, what about my pets?", I ask, but Vheronica just ran inside my house! Personally I thought it was more than a bit rude, but of course she had a reason, Vheroinca always does. Then Jazzy started explaining everything, how they got to look so bad!, and how they had to get here before it was too late. I turned around to see Vheroinca come out with my parents. After that, Jazzy went inside with Vi, and they got all my pets. I rushed up to my parents, and tried to pull them away from the house, because Jazzy said that the exploding was going to happen soon. But my parents refused. Instead they demanded what was going on. Then, just as Vheronica jumped out of the garage door with Jack-Jack, my house started to explode!!! The whole time I thought that Vheronica and Jazzy were planning some crude prank, but the exploding was real! As we hoped into the car, after Jazzy a Vi crammed their bikes in the bike, my parents started to drive just as my friends feet were inside the van. As we were going down the street, " My house!", Vheroinca wailed, "We have to get to my family!" As Vheroinca sat back down, I asked her,"Wanna tell me why my house is exploding?", and at that, she burst into tears.

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