Chapter :3 Of All The Things, It Had To Be This...

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When I saw Vheronica coming down the street, I was relieved. She just texted me a couple of minutes ago that she was going to come over, sleeping over if my parents let her, so I asked my parents, and they said yes!! 😆 I wonder why she looks so gloomy though, I hope her parents know, and I also wonder why she didn't bring anything but a bag and a bike? So many questions zoom through my head as I open the door. " Jazzy!", she shouts as she pulls me into a huge bear hug. "Woah!", I say falling back a bit, " What's up?", and to my surprise she starts crying all over me, and nearly nocks us both to the ground. My parents rush into the room and ask what wrong. I settle Vheronica down on the couch and get her a glass of water. Just as she is about to start telling us the haps, the phone starts ringing. I go to answer it, but my mom says she has it. As I turn around, I hear Vheroinca moan. " Oh no", she sighs, and then whispers in an ergent voice into my ear, " My parents don't know I'm here! What am I going to say!" As always, I had to answer those tricky ' how do I get out of this ' kinda questions, but this time, I was broke. "Uhh..." , I start to whisper. " You don't know!!!!", Vheronica almost shouted before I stuffed my hand infront of her face. " No I don't know, " I whisper, " I'm sorry but I don't. You should have told your parents Vi!" And that's when she pulls me into my room and locks the door before my mom can come after us. " I guess I'm going to have to tell you what happened, and why I came here." , she says. And so she begins . I'm surprised that something that happened just a couple of hours ago could possibly make Vi so nervous, but I soon realize as she says... " Oh no!!" , we both whisper shout. We both just heard my mom put the phone on hold and come near the door. I look through the hole in my door ( little brother, long story) and see that she stops, takes a moment or two to think, and heads on to the kitchen. " What did you see?" , Vheronica asks as I move my face from the door. "My mom just went to the kitchen." , I tell her. " Ok, good, I'll have to finish my story real quick before she comes back.", Vheronica says. And so again she starts to finish her story. And as she finally says the last few parts, with me at the edge of the bed, fists clenched tight......

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