All About that Bass

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You were sat there on the sofa opposite of Justin, and you were mesmerized as he practiced bass.
"Earth to Y/N." He chuckled, "I asked if you thought that sounded okay."
"Perfect." You quickly nodded, "Just keep playing."
You hadn't told him, but there was one thing you had on your bucket list that you really wanted to do: learn to play an instrument.
Not necessarily bass, but you were kind of hoping he could hook you up with some lesson with one of his band mates.
"Y/N what's going on in your head?" He smiled at you.
"I want to learn to play something."
"All you had to do was ask. I only play bass, if that's okay?"
"That's fine. I'm going to suck so bare with me."
"You'll be fine, come here."
So you say by him and he placed the bass in your lap. He slowly showed you how to hold it, and named the four strings for you. He proceeded to teach you notes and chords and you of course sounded like you were killing some poor creature.
"Maybe I'm not meant for bass." You quickly said.
"Nonsense, your a natural. Better than when I first started."
"Really. It just takes time and practice, and we have that right now."
"Thanks babe." You smiled.
"Anytime." He nodded and you two shared a kiss before continuing your first bass lesson.
Sorry it's been so long! I just haven't had time to write now that school has started and my phone sucks and I'm waiting on a replacement. I'll try to find time to write more! Anyways this one goes out to @myles_lil_hyphy who has started me back up on my writing. Hope you like it!

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