"But then you realized it was pointless because you don't even like me anyways" He cuts me off.

"That wasn't even what I was going to say, but if that what you think when all I did was miss your game then nevermind my apology" I shrug walking away. I walk to my car and drive home, frowning when I see my dads car in the driveway. I walk into my house, hearing nothing but silence, but it was almost too silent. 

"Dad?" I yell, hearing him barrel down the steps. 

"Hi, You're home early" He states, seeming flustered.

"What are you up to dad?" 

"I can't tell you" He looks to the ground, before he looks out of the front windows "I gotta go" He runs out of the front door, and hops into his car. 

I shrug and roll my eyes, walking up to my room.  I pull out my laptop, and log into Skype, calling Mark. 

"Hey Bitch!" He waves.

"Hey! So today in English class Ella said that her and Carter never broke up" 

"Yeah apparently they didn't. Oops" He shrugs. 

"How'd you find out?" 

"Carter's friend is in my last period class and I asked him" He says "He told me that they broke up, and Ella literally called him every ten minutes until Carter agreed to take him back" 

"Wow" I roll my eyes.

"Listen Mrs. Green Monster, don't get your panties twisted up your ass, Carter still wants you obviously" 

"Number one, I'm not Mrs. Green Monster because I'm not jealous and two Carter doesn't want me"

"Whatever be stuck in denial you bitch" 

"Why are we friends?" I chuckle.

"Because everyone needs a little bit of rainbow in their life" He laughs.

Mark and I talk on Skype, completely losing track of time. I look over at my clock seeing it's already 12 in the morning.

"Mark It's midnight!" I laugh.

"Time flies when you're talking to me" He flips his hair.

Just as I'm about to respond with a snide comment, my phone rings, Carter's name popping up on my screen. I look down at my phone, and contemplate answering it, until I give up and his answer.


"Brogan Baby! I need you to do me the biggest favor and open your window! It's extremely important and I need you to trust me" He frantically says, through his heavy breathing.

"Carter slow down I can't understand you" I say into the phone, my eyes widening when I hear what sounds like a gunshot "Carter was that a-"

"Yes! Now will you trust me?" He asks sternly "I need you to unlock your window for me please" 

"Carter what's going on?" 

"Ah fuck!" He grunts "Please! I'll explain later!" 

"Okay, it'll be open" He hangs up after that, leaving me to wonder what the hell is going on.

"What was that all about?" Mark asks.

"I have no idea, but I have to go find out, so I'll see you later" I say, hanging up our Skype call, and putting my laptop away. 

I walk over to my window, unlocking the latch, and opening it slightly, it's hot outside, very hot, especially for it being only the beginning of May, and it being nighttime. But that's Miami for you.

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