First day of School

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90 P.O.V

??:90 wake up
??:90 GET UP!!!
90:Fine i'm up why i gotta go to school momma?
Mom: For an education now get up.

90 gets up goes to the bathroom and takes a shower then brushes her teeth and get dressed in long sleeve shirt and some baggy pants with some all white high top airforce ones. then she did her hair(in the media)and put a bandana around her hair.

Tiana(90 mom) p.o.v
(tiana thinking):Something is wrong with my daughter but she won't tell me wassup Hmmm i'll ask her later.

90:I'm ready mom.

90 p.o.v
90:I'm ready mom.
mom:Ok let's go sweetie

It was a 15 minute drive before we got to da school.

((At School))

90:Bye mom
mom:Bye Baybee

I got out the car and walked to the school i walk in the office to get my Schedule

90:Hi Ms.Freeman i'm here for my schedule and locker combination.
Ms.Freeman:Oh Hey 90 Here you go sweetheart try to have a good day and i wish you luck boo.

90:Thanks Ms.Freeman and i will see you later.

Ms.Freeman:bye 90.

as I was walking out I bumped into somebody.

90*Falls to the ground*Ouch!

???:My bad beautiful*Person helps her up*
90:Ya good*Takes the person hand but still lookin down*
???:Whats yo name?
90:Ninety my names Ninety hbu.
???:My names Pryce but yhu call me*Smiles*Bae.
90:*laughs a little*I'll call yhu pryce.
pryce:Whateva yhu say ma.
90:I guess i'm finna go to my first class now see ya later pryce.
pryce:Wait what class yhu got first.
90:I got ummm Social studies what about yhu.
pryce:Me to wanna walk together.
90:Sure let's go.

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