Chapter 10

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Jason and John were shoved into a dark room. "We'll think about what to do to you later!" the leader said and slammed the door with a wicked snicker. Jason and John were left in darkness. "Look what you've gotten us into!" Jason said aloud. "I'm just worried about the rest. Without me, they would have split up." John said dolefully. "There's no hope for us anymore! We're stuck with these nanobot manufacturers sentenced to die and...." Jason stopped the next word from leaving his lips and decided not to talk about it anymore. He just sighed and looked at the ropes that bound him tightly. He closed his eyes and slept. He didn't know how long he slept but when he woke up, he was out of the room with John dragging him out. "Wha!" he exclaimed.  pushed the two hostages forward into another room. The leader looked at them with evil red eyes. "Don't worry! I'm not going to kill you! In fact, I'm going to increase your chances of survival!" Jason and John looked at each other with puzzled frowns. The leader burst out laughing a menacing laugh. "Bring out the syringe!" he cackled. Jason's blood froze and his whole body tensed up. A soldier walked forward with big slow strides carrying a tray with a syringe and a bottle with a skull on the label. The leader took the syringe which was already filled up with nanobots. "Heeheehee! You won't be escaping this time-or maybe you will; when you are a mutant!" he said bringing the syringe needle closer to John's neck. John struggled trying to turn his head away. "No no NOOO!!!" he cried at the top of his lungs. Suddenly, there was a bang that startled every one, the syringe in the leader's hand smashed into pieces. The leader gasped and turned his head up with the scariest angry face yet. "WHO DID THAT!!?" he screamed. "Us!" came a firm voice. Jason frowned. That voice sounded  familiar. He turned his head. Jack was at the door with a large rifle tucked beneath his arm! The leader gasped. "Hands up everybody!" yelled Dick and Greg stepping forward beside Jack with revolvers. "Who are you!" cried the leader. "You don't remember us?" smirked Dick raising an eyebrow. "We...are....the Survivors!" shouted the Survivors lunging at every bad guy. There was a scuffle. Very soon, the tables were turned: the bad guys were tied up while the good guys were free. "Now there's only one thing left to do!" John said winking at Jason. Jason knew what he meant and walked to a computer labeled Mind Control nanobots. "Jason smug looked turned into a pale puzzled look. He turned to John. "I don't know how this thing works!" "Here, let me see!" Dick said stepping forward. He gazed at the large screen then the controls. "I think I know how this works!" he said. "Of course you should! I always thought you were the computer expert."said Gregory. Dick looked at the screen again. He mumbled something to himself and pressed a button. The computer suddenly began to rattle and shake. Steam shot out from every crack. Dick stepped back. "What did you do!?" cried Jack. "I think I accidentally punched the self destruct button." murmured Dick. Large red words appeared on the screen: SELF-DESTRUCT IN 3...2...1... "Take cover everyone!!" shouted Dick jumping back. Jason lifted his arm to protect his eyes. The bulky machine exploded into smithereens. Jason got hit in the head by a flying bolt. "Ow!" he cried. Smoke was released into the air and everyone started to gag. When the smoke cleared, Jason lowered his arm. "Everybody alright?" he said looking around. "Yeah!" said John dusting himself from all the ash. "Hang on, look! There's someone under that sheet of metal!" Hillary said pointing at it. Charlie and John turned it over grunting. There in front of them was the leader with a large lump on his head and his hair in a mess. " head's spinning.." he murmured and fell back eyes closed. Charlie grinned at John. Jason smiled. Hillary giggled. "We did it guys! The victory is ours!" he said gleefully. The apocalypse has come to an end!" said Jason. "Come on! Let's go outside!" When they climbed over the brick wall, they saw people by the hundreds wandering mindlessly. It seemed as though a certain part of their brains had lost their purpose as a result of the nanobots. The sun was beginning to rise and the world was once again a bright place to live.
Many years after that, Jason grew up and had children if his own. He told them of the many adventures he had during the apocalypse and his children would listen eagerly adventure after adventure. They did not know but many adventures awaited them themselves; but that's in another story.


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