Chapter 8

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Jason took a left turn only to find a large moldering brick wall with vines creeping up. He gazed up at it frowning. "That's odd, I thought there was a road continuing from here." He went over and ran his hand along the rough surface of the wall. "Hmm....I wonder if...."he fumbled for something in his pocket and pulled out a stretch of rope. It was a bit damp but otherwise perfect. He tied a stone to one end and threw it over the wall. Jason put his ear to it and sure enough, he heard the stone hit the other side of the wall. He grinned. "Bingo!" The wall was not too high and Jason had no trouble climbing it. He was surprised by what was on the other side. It looked like some sort of secret lab. Curiosity drew him further towards the odd looking place. He was not so sure about it but he found himself walking towards the door to the lab and pulling the hatch. The door opened without a sound and Jason cautiously peeked in. The long hall ahead was illuminated by fluorescent lightbulbs. He walked along it not knowing what was ahead of him. He walked passed a room with a sign that read 'Test Subjects' He looked through the window frowning at first but the frown turned into a gape when he saw what was inside. All nine of the Survivors were inside bound and gagged tightly! Jack was first to spot Jason and let out a muffled yell alerting the others of Jason's presence. The others saw Jason all with surprised countenances. They waved their legs and let out muffled shouts of excitement. "Hang on everyone! I'll get you outta this!" Jason whispered excitedly opening the door fast but softly. He loosened John's bonds an pulled his gag down. "Thank goodness you found us! I thought there wasn't any hope for us anymore. Come, let's give the others a hand."John said in between breaths. When everyone was free of their bonds, they all headed for the door. Unfortunately, just outside were two soldiers in khaki uniforms walking by the room and one of them who was standing too close got hit in the nose when Dick kicked opened the door. The other soldier who did not get hit was so surprised, when he took out his rifle, his nervousness made his hand shake like jelly and drop the gun. John swiftly scooped it up and shoved it into the soldier's chest. "He...HELP!!!!! There's an intruder!!!" He yelled at the top of his voice. John, startled, accidentally pulled the trigger and the man in the khaki uniform jumped back and fell lengthwise after a loud bang. There was a sound of the running of several men. "The rest of you hide! I can handle this myself!"John said gently shoving Dick back into the room. There was a bang and John took to his heels. Every now and then he would turn round a fire a few shots. Dick and Jason watched as the men stumbled and fell one by one. "It's a miracle John's not getting shot!" murmured Dick to Jason watching the men as they brushed pass the door. One man tripped over the foot of a dead soldier. This had a domino effect on the rest of the soldiers as they fell on top of one another. John saw his chance and shot the last few soldiers. The last soldier turned and ran back calling out, "Reinforcements! Reinforcements!" John aimed and fired a shot. The soldier stumbled and fell lengthwise." John heard the sound of more soldiers and their incoherent speech about the intruders. He signaled to the rest. "Come out everyone! Hide under the bodies! That'll fool them!" There was a body for every person and each one of them his/her body under a soldier's body. Jason hid under the one knocked senseless by the door keeping as still as a mouse not daring to breathe. He heard a soldier walk past him. "They must be somewhere!"growled a soldier. Jason held his breath as the soldier nudged the body on top of him with his cane. The soldier muttered to himself as his turned around. "Seems they've escaped!" said he. "Nevermind. The mutants can deal with 'em outside. Get the cleaners to dispose of the bodies."said another. John lifted his soldier's body slightly to get a better view of the soldiers and watched as they walked away. Once they took a turn, John lifted his body completely and tossed it away. "The coast is clear everyone! Let's get out of here before the cleaners come." he hissed lifting up Jason's soldier's body. Jason looked up at him and got up. Just as the last person was about to get out of the lab, there came a sound of an old woman muttering to herself about getting such a boring job as a cleaner. John urged everyone to get out fast and closed the door softly. Everyone scrambled up the wall. "You know, " said Jason to John as they climbed up the wall. "I have a feeling that this is the place where they create all those nanobots. After all, this place looks much like a lab." John looked back at the lab and nodded. "We'll think about that later."said John. "What we have to think about now is how to get back to the Fortress."

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