Chapter 7- Training, and third time's the charm

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            "Just sit this one out and you have an extra half out of running than everybody else." I said turning away from her.

            "Why do we have to listen to her?" She whined to Nate.

            "She is training us. You saw how fast she took down Brad, and he was one of our best." I laughed at that. Seriously? Brad was one of their best.

            After an agonizing twenty minutes everyone finished their push ups.

            "Okay! Finally!" I shouted. "Now everyone follow me for the run!" I said as I started jogging into the forest. Once we were on the perimeter I started to run, not a sprint, but a regular run for them.

            One lap around the territory was thirty-five miles and I ran three laps. I could have easily done more but I didn't want to looked too weird. At the very end only ten of the 187 wolves that I was training were able to make it to their second lap. The majority were about to do about one and a half laps and the rest, sadly mostly girls, didn't even make it past their first lap.

            We all met back at the field. When I saw Brooke with us I walked over to her.

            "You still have another half hour of running." I told her crossing my hands over my chest.

            "Well, I'm tired. I don't want to." She said rolling her eyes at me and started to examine her nails. Seriously?

            "I am the trainer and you have to listen to me." I said getting annoyed.

            "Well, I am Luna and you can't boss me around." Seriously, the Luna card again. She doesn't get that she isn't really Luna.

            "How many times are you going to use the Luna card. You aren't a real Luna. You weren't picked by the Moon Goddess to be a Luna. Get over yourself. All you are to this pack is some an easy lay who will spread their legs for anyone." I growled.

            "How dare you talk to me like that!"

            "Would you just go run your lap. I don't want to hear you squawk anymore!"

            Then Brooke did something the stupidest thing ever. She slapped me. I knew she was going to leave a red mark.

            "I told you to never touch me again." I growled. Then I slapped her back, using more of my strength that I had in front of the pack, and I knocked her out. At least I hoped that she was passed out. I could have easily snapped her neck, but I could hear her breathing.

            "What the hell!" Nate yelled rushing over to Brooke's body.

            "She slapped me first." I said stalking away. "Everyone be here tomorrow morning at six!" I heard groans, but I didn't care. I needed to go for a run because my wolf was dying to be let out.

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