Chapter Three

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Hey guys! Sorry for the delay--I started a new job so I've been pretty busy. But here's a nice long chapter for you!

Baxter Institute

May 5, 2011

With time to kill before our first meeting in the lab, and since Reed decided to spend this time unpacking his belongings, I decided it was time to scope out what I knew would become my favorite place in the building; the library. Working alongside Reed and Ben was fulfilling and fun, but there was something about the solitude of the library that couldn't be replaced; whether it be reading a new book, or just wanting to get away from Ben and Reed's bickering, I always seemed to come back to the room.

Luckily, the Baxter Institute's library did not disappoint; the shelves fully stocked with every science book I have ever read, and even more that I never heard of. I quietly moved among the aisles, picking up any books that interested me along the way. After getting a good pile going-and reaching the end of the aisle-I emerged into an open space filled with tables. The room was full of unfamiliar faces, and I was thinking hiding in my dorm room would be best when I an empty seat across from the familiar form of Sue Storm, the girl typing away on her laptop.

If we were going to be working together for the rest of our college careers, we might as well start getting to know one another now. I placed the books on the table, the thud not even phasing Sue as I took the vacant seat across from her.

"Hey," I greeted in a hushed whisper, Sue shooting me a small smile in response before going back to her work.

I nodded to myself, trying to think of the best way to begin a conversation with someone I didn't even know. I didn't have many friends outside the duo of Reed and Ben-and trying to figure out what to say to Sue made me realize that it was due to my poor social skills that I never ventured outside our trio. It wasn't until Sue looked back up at me with a confused stare when I realized I was silently staring at her for a few minutes-not awkward at all.

"Um, I'm sorry." Sue whispered, taking out an earbud. "Did you want something?"

I resisted the urge to stutter as I came up with a question. "Nothing. I was just wondering what you were listening to."

"Patterns." Sue responded, her eyes going back to her work.

I tilted my head to the side. "Never heard of them."

"It's not a group," She explained, a slight twinge of humor in her voice. "Pattern recognition; music is just a serious of altered patterns, the musician creates the pattern and makes us anticipate the resolution. There's patterns in everything and everyone."

I let out a small hum before leaning back in my chair. I never thought about music in such a way, mainly because I never listened to it much. Music was a distraction, something to fill your brain with when there was nothing else to think about. Yet, Sue's pattern-theory was almost too interesting to not hear more.

"Can I get an example?"

Sue switched from typing to writing as she let out a simple response. "My Dad-he has a habit of putting his faith in people who just want to be famous."

I tried not to show how much that stung; science was never a way to get famous, but a way for me to help create a better future. Clearing my throat, I used the only tactic I knew on how to defuse a tense situation-humor.

"There's much easier ways to gain fame; example, I could have released my sex tape instead of coming all the way to the City." I joked, making Sue look up towards me, as if making sure it was a lie. My small smile faded. "Look, I just want my work to make a difference. To give the future what we never had."

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