Chapter Two

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[EDITED ON 8/28/2015--switched to first person!]

Oyster Bay High Science Fair

May 2, 2011

With shaking hands, I adjusted the display board for the fifth time since arriving in the school gym, trying to make it as straight as possible while Ben focused on completing his routine of setting up the teleporter, looking almost too calm. I was sure I was sweating, my stomach threatening to lose the small breakfast I ate this morning the more I thought about showing off the device—it was always nerve-wracking when presenting an experiment to the public for the first time, but this was different.

The teleporter was the longest we ever worked on a single experiment, and if we didn't even place I this contest, it would mean seven years of work was nothing more than a waste.

"Hey, you okay?"

I silenced my negative thoughts and turned away from the board to see Reed staring back at me, a concerned expression on his face as he studied, as if he looked hard enough, he would be able to read my mind--after being best friends for nine years, I wouldn't be surprised if he could.

It was strange being the one who needed reassurance. Out of the two of us, I was always known as being the more confident one, not afraid to speak my mind, but never before a big presentation; I was known for being better at handling critics than waiting for them while Reed was the complete opposite. Yet, like always, I wanted to be the strong one, so I shot Reed a smile and wiped my sweaty hands on my black jeans, hoping he didn't notice them.

"Of course! Why do you ask?" I coughed--a nervous tick.

Not looking away from the machine, Ben spoke up. "Maybe because you've been mumbling to yourself for the past ten minutes while adjusting the board for the millionth time?"

I offered Ben a halfhearted glare. Throughout our friendship, Ben turned into the annoying big brother I never knew I wanted—even if I was a month older than him. Much to Reed's feigned annoyance, we loved to push the other's buttons, but that didn't mean anyone else could. No matter what, we knew we would always have one another's backs in any sort of altercation.

"Do you want to take the bus home, Ben?" My tone was too sweet to be nice.

Before Ben could even produce a shrug, Reed settled his hands on my shoulders, the touch making me ignore Ben—for now—and focus all of my attention on Reed, ready for one of his famous pep talks. Although I would never admit it to him—or anyone, for that matter—his words of encouragements always did soothe me.

"Sky, everything is going to be fine." Reed reassured, shaking me slightly. "We've been working on this since the fifth grade, it's not going to backfire on us now."

I sighed, wondering if Reed remembers how bad our track record has been at these events. "I hope you're right."

"Aren't I always?"

The teasing smirk on Reed's face only made me smile and roll my eyes, and I was prepared to list all of the time he's been wrong when I was interrupted by the approaching judges—the critics.

"Mr. Richards, Ms. Young..." The voice of Mr. Parker made Reed drop his hands from my shoulders before turning to the teachers. "Shall I alert the fire department?"

Reed let out a small 'humph' of laughter—his way of saying 'not funny'—while I resisted the urge to sigh at the memory; it wasn't our fault that we underestimated the volcano's reaction during the freshman year fair. If I was to blame anyone, I would blame Ben—but I always blamed Ben.

The Weight of Us [Fantastic Four/Avengers Fic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora