Chapter 11

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Xavier's pov.

Laying in my bed, the sounds of my father's distant howl haunted me leaving me restless. After tossing and turning for what seemed like ages, I got up and crossed the hall to Willow's room. I let myself in quietly and made my way over to her bed; stopping to admire the way the moonlight shown on her face. I stood there for a while admiring her beauty and listening to her soft snores and smiled to myself. In that moment I knew I wanted her for the rest of my life and I couldn't live with out her. I know what I'm going to do and the perfect time to do it.


Willow's pov.

The following morning preparations for the mating ceremony started. Since I am the future Luna, I must except my mate in front of the pack and we must mark each other during the full moon which is in two days. Then we have dinner with the pack, kind of like what humans call an engagement party. I sighed at the thought of engagement but I knew that wasn't going to happen at least not right now. Xavier, wait where is Xavier?

I ran though the hallway searching rooms as I went but found no traces of my mate. The feeling of dread set in my stomach. What if Todd came to take him back? What if I never see him again? Where could he be? After searching the pack house and not finding a single trace of my mate I collapsed in a ball of nerves and anxiety.

"Willow" I heard Julie call. "Willow where are you? We need to go over the food you want so we can have everything prepared properly."

" I'm over here but why bother Xavier is gone. I searched everywhere but I can't find him." I said sadly.

"He's not gone he went into town with the guys. He said he had something he needed to do. I'm sorry I thought you knew." Julie said while rubbing my shoulders. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm okay, it's just with all that's happening and the knowledge of an impending war I thought that Todd came and took Xavier back. I'm sorry my anxiety is getting the best of me."

With a knowing look and a nod, Julie pulled me back to my feet. "All is well, come one we have stuff to do." She linked my arm and we set off for the kitchen.

We went over the different foods to be prepared and I decided on Coq au Vin for the main course. I aloud Julie to select most of the other dishes as she knew what the pack liked and my mind was to absorbed in Xavier and what he could possibly be doing in town.

After a couple hours and many details later, Xavier came walking through the door to which I launched myself into his arms. Xavier stumbled back a bit and let out a hearty chuckle. He grasped my hips as I wrapped my legs around his torso burying my face into the crook of his neck.

"Well that's one heck of a hello." He said while smoothing my hair.

"Don't ever leave without telling me again. I was worried Todd came and took you away. I couldn't bear to lose you." I rambled on until Xavier shut me up with a kiss.

"I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to worry you. I just had a few things to take care of in town."

Confused I asked, "like what?"

"Oh nothing of importance for you to worry about. Now come on you look exhausted why don't you go pick out a movie and I'll meet you in your room in five." Xavier said as he placed me back on my feet.

"Okay I guess." I said still confused but deciding not to push the issue. With one more kiss I retreated to my room to pick out a movie and wait.

Just as he promised, Xavier showed up five minutes later with some popcorn, candy, and drinks.

"I figured after all the planning we could use a movie night together." He said with a smile then handed me the bowl of popcorn.

"I'm up for anything if it means some quality time with you." I said then cuddled into his side when he sat down.

"So what are we watching tonight my love?" He asked.

"I thought you might like 'Captian America: Civil War'." I said then handed him the DVD remote.

"Sounds good baby." He replied and started the movie. We cuddled together for hours watching movies till I fell asleep in his lap.

After a while I felt him lift me up and carry me to my bed. He laid me down and turned to leave when I grasped the bottom of his shirt.

"No please stay with me." I asked looking pleadingly into his eyes. "Just lay here with me please, Xavier I need you."

With a smile and a nod he crawled into bed next to me and pulled me close. "Shhhh, sleep now baby." He whispered and with those words I fell fast asleep in his arms.

Hope you're enjoying the story so far!!!


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