Dean 14

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(Y/N) = Your Name

(Y/S/C) = Your Skin Color

(Y/H/C) = Your Hair Color

(Y/E/C) = Your Hair Color

Imagine Dean marrying his high school sweetheart and having two kids

A faint crying woke up the couple, causing a tired rumble to vibrate up Dean's chest. He glances over at the man/woman lying next to him, his/her arm wrapped around their first kid's middle. Their hair is the same pale/dark (Y/H/C) as Dean's husband/wife, but her eyes are Dean's emerald. Her pale skin is marked with uncountable freckles, just like Dean. The two year old is the only one not woken by her little brother's crying. Dean sighs, rolling over onto his back.

"It's your turn." (Y/N) whispers, his/her voice scratchy with sleep. He/She cracks open a pale/dark eye, staring sleepily at his/her husband. Dean groans, turning his head to glance at the clock beside his table.

"Might as well get up. We can have a well cooked meal instead of restaurant food or fast food." Dean says, sitting up slowly and swinging his feet over his end of the bed. He glances at (Y/N) when he/she throws his/her arm over his/her closed eyes. Dean cracks a smile as Belle, their little girl, JJ, rolls over and wraps her small arms around her mother/other father. Said mother/father smiles slightly.

"Mmm." (Y/N) murmurs in response to the promise of home cooking. Dean grins before he shoves himself onto his feet, shuffling over to their baby boy, Bobby. The boy already has freckles, but he has his other father's/mother's (Y/E/C) eyes. Dean gently lifts the baby into his arms and moves over to the kitchen area, humming "Hey Jude" and rocking Bobby as he rummages through the cabinets. The baby grabs onto Dean's black shirt with a weak-grip, but Dean doesn't really mind.

Dean starts the coffee, still humming and rocking Bobby with one arm as he starts measuring things for pancakes in the other. The man starts bouncing his baby boy when he starts to get teary-eyed again, and the baby giggles lightly. "Hey buddy, you gotta quiet down. JJ and mommy/daddy are trying to sleep still, okay buddy?" Dean whispers, pouring the ingredients into the large red bowl. He shifts Bobby around until he's able to mix everything correctly and without the bowl moving around.

Dean puts bacon on a sheet, preheating the oven and grabbing plates and cups. He sets everything up, and he places drinks and cups on the table quickly. The oven goes off, and Dean puts the bacon in, setting the timer quickly and then spraying the pan before he starts making pancakes. He lets (Y/N) and JJ sleep until everything is done, and then he puts Bobby in his highchair and wanders over to his husband/wife and their sleeping daughter.

"Hey sweetie, breakfast is ready. Why don't you go and set up your plate and put Bobby's bottle in the microwave?" Dean says, seeing that JJ is awake. Sleepy, but awake. The little girl yawns and stretches, but then she nods and climbs off the bed and wanders over to the table to do as Dean asked. Dean places a knee on the bed, leaning over (Y/N). "Babe." Dean whispers, shaking his husband/wife.

"Mm." (Y/N) mutters, pouting and shoving a bit at Dean's chest. Dean smiles a bit, leaning closer.

"C'mon, get up."

"Don't wanna." (Y/N) murmurs before he/she grabs Dean's shirt and yanks him onto the bed, curling around him. Dean laughs, and (Y/N) smiles.

"Your food is gonna get cold." Dean says.

"But I won't." (Y/N) replies. Dean rolls his eyes.

"C'mon, we gotta-"

"Mommy/Daddy!" JJ shouts as the microwave goes off, and (Y/N) sighs, letting go off Dean and getting up.

"Coming, coming." (Y/N) says, and Dean rolls his eyes again at the look his husband/wife gives him. Dean wanders over and pulls out a chair for (Y/N) before he sits in the one next to it, grabbing a plate and settling down to eat with his family.

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