chapter17 the pain

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Kaities Pov

"w-h-h-at do you wan-t-t" i stammer out "you promise we never speak of that little problem agian" his voice is sturn "i-i-i didnt mean to k-k-katniss made m-e-e" i can barley talk through my fear "i dont care you told, broke a promise!" he yelling at me. Where is a friend when you need one? "i didnt mean t-o-o im sorry" i start crying "to late for appoliges" he still yelling at me, when the first impack hits my face, its to late to cry for help, then there are more,and more. i keep crying. He kicks my belly, my shins,my face he punches,my back he kicks. But the pain is the worst when the first whip hits my back, making me think of the day in 5th grade. The pain has all gone numb, one more kick and he says "Pay-back, worthless creature" and i hear his foot bang against the ground and runs out. a slight moan escapse my lips before my eyes shut, and i fall asleep. When i wake up,im in the same part of my floor, bleeding,and weak as ever. when i call out thresh name it sound like a whistper. My life stucks. its has to be like 5 hours later before i even have the any kind of stregth in my body. i try callingout a name on more time "PEETA!" i yell, it sounded like a yell. the door is opened "Kaitie where are you?" i hear peeta voice "i dont know the livin room?" i say with a moan. i hear the footsteps get closer and then a scream of my name "KAITIE!" and very gentlful my body is picked up and where running"where are we going?" i ask before he could answer someone takes me from his arms and runs me somewhere "WHERE AM I" I ask frantic "at katniss's house your fine they will take care of you, when you feel bad pain squeeze my hand" peeta ays. Every few minutes I would squeeze his hand to the point my hand hurts, "ok Im done" she says wrapping the last bandage around me. "Here let me wrap up one of katnisses shirt to put up around your top." Prim says "ok prim thanks" I say giggling, a few minutes a shirt covered anything that wasnt bandage and my pants are cut to cover anywhere were I wasn't bandage either. When the door opens I had fallen asleep on peetas shoulder so I shoot up "WHAT THE FREAK HAPPEN TO YOU!" I hear from the three voices I know beat, Katniss,Gale,and Thresh. "I was attacked but I don't know who did it" I lie smoothly "ok come on from now on you will have someone with you were ever you go, I tiresd of people beating you up and no ones there to save you" gales voice was surn "ok" I say wanting to cry "can I go home gale,?" I ask "victor village house?" "Yes" I say "ok but Thresh goes with you" he says as I put my arms go out in front of me and he picks me up. After we have walk for a while Thresh says "I'm sorry I should had been there" "no its not, can you keep a secert?" I ask."of course" he says "dean did this to me, dont tell anyone" I beg "I won't" he says and he takes my pinkey and take it in his "I promise , I will always love you no matter what" (I know that doesn't make since so I will tell you. He promises not to tell and tells her he loves her.) "I will always love you to" I take his face and press his lips to mine

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