chapter7 the spark

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Kaites Pov

3 days have pasted scince Thresh found me and i really starting to like him, he is sweet to me and cares about me alot. "thresh..........' i say quilety "ya Kaitie" he says as he lifts my head up to look him in the eyes " i really am starting to........' he cuts me off by kissing me on the lips. Well it was the frist time i had ever kissed a boy and i really like him so i guess its ok, i kiss him back and he keeps kissing me. he pulls back and whistper "im sorry i had to do it at lease once" he says and hes brown eyes look sad and mad at him self for doin it. I reach up and place my small hands on his face "its ok i like you alot thresh" and then i kiss him "i dont like you Kaitie, I love you" he say " i love you to". when i go to bed for the first time thresh comes into the tent and lays with me, i lay in to his chest on my right and he lays on his right with one arm around me and the other hand pushing me hair out of my eyes 'i take frist watch" he says "ok thresh i love you" i say like a little child "i love you to" he says softly and kisses my hair. That night i had a dream the frist one i have had in the Arena KAITIES DREAM: its after the games and i am walking hand in hand with thresh " hey kaitie i need to ask you something" he say shyly "anything sweetie" i say then he gets down on his knee and grabs my  hand in his and all i can do is gasp "kaitie claire Hathowarth i love you and i dont wanna lose you will you marry me?" he asks with puppy dog eyes "y-y-y-y-yes" i stamer out, he jumps up picks me up and spins around then he kisses me and when i pull away i see peetas face and his voice saying "i love you kaitie"......... i wake up and thresh is shaking me yelling " Kaitie Wake Up!" my eyes fly open "Kaitite you were screaming and kicking whats wrong?' he asks " i had a dream" i say "tell me" and he picks me up and sits me in his lap like a child, i tell him my dream and he is holding me into his chest " i wish that could happen thresh" i say " what?" he says 'us get married and live together" i say "i do to hunny" and he kisses my head "its not fair" i mutter "whats not fair hunny" "that the do this to us we fall for each other and soon i will more than likely be dead and you will be the victor cause you stonger than marvel, cato, or jack. i say "ok  lay down baby go to sleep" he says " nope" i say and i kiss him and he kiss me back , then he just stops "i cant do this' he says "i love you and i cant do this either" i say "ok i love you to". about to hours later i look out side and its dawn "ill be back' i say "ok" he says witha smile as i walk off bow in hand and arrows on my shoulder when he calls " be safe and dont go to far please"  he says pleading "i wont if i amnot back by night fall come find me.' i say over my sholder. Then i was gone.

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