31 - Disentangle

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Dedicated to ridhijkjk. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't even have started tho write. Yup, that lazy.

And I have entered into wattys. I wasn't going to but then I saw these plotless stories taking part and thought why shouldn't I? It's not like I have something to lose 😂

So If you haven't voted the previous chapters,please do 😋

While everyone is getting confused about who is who, I decided to disclose the Cast.


Zain Alana
Sister-Husna Alana
Baby brother- Faizan
Baby sister- Sana

Real father- Raihan
Real mother- Aamina

Uncle/father- Wren Alana


April East
Mother-Rebecca/ Rabiya East
Father- Jacob/ Javed East
Brother- Aiden East


Khadija Kahoor
Brother- Abdullah Kahoor
Father- Khalid Kahoor
Mother- Zohra Kahoor

Uncle- Waris Kahoor

Mariyam the social worker.

Bethany and James classmates.

Though the time stayed still, my breathing did not. When my guts indicated me to leave, I should have. But as I'm fond of leading myself into a heap of trouble, I ignored my conscience and took a dive in.

Standing here on my feet made me shiver with all glares received. Wren and Khalid were the only two standing among us, who didn't recognize me. Abdullah seems to identify me as he stood piercing his glare not moving an inch.

"Care to explain?" Husna said in an ireful manner, making me frown within.

"Knowledging my past movements, do you doubt my balance anymore?" Her anger seemed to rise making me realize it was a bad timing to ask such question.

"I told you not to try anything but you settle for contrary." Is she still fussing over it?

"But look at results, babe. I achieved our goal with the best acting award." I said fisting my hand pump in the air.

"Enough!" Khalid shouted making my hand fall down with a jolt.

"Will someone tell me what is going on?" Khadija's eyes fix at her father,  looking full of terror. She was scared to disobey her father's wish, I guess. There couldn't be other reason for her fear.

When no one replied, I took a step forward and said, "I'm April East, Khadija's friend, the one who got her arrested for stealing VS bra." Khalid's face paled as he took in the little information, but soon turned into fury.

"April, if you think you can get away with this prank then think again. You will pay-"

"I don't mean to be rude but please let me explain the reason why I did it." I cut off his threat and let my words flow.

"You better have an acceptable explanation." He said in a strict tone.

"Did you ask Khadija if she wanted this engagement or not?" I was dealing with a complicated situation and hence decided to treat wisely.

"Of course I did," Oh no, you so did not!

"I'm not talking about ordering your daughter to get engaged, just a night before the celebration and after distribuing the invitations so she could have no say but to get engage to someone she sees as her brother. If you think your daughter could deny it and let you face the humiliation then you are wrong Mr. Kahoor. She just didn't wanted to hurt you hence decided to go with it." He seemed to register my words and held a contemplating face.

Abdullah came forward nearing her sister and wiped her tears to which I just had a look at.

"Is it true? You never wanted this?" Khadija nodded her head saying yes.

She then clears her throat and say, "I'm sorry dad. I never wanted to disappoint you but I couldn't get engaged to Zain either. If today April didn't pull off that stunt, my lips would have been sealed forever. Not only that, even Zain didn't wish for this engagement to take place. Why don't you ask Zain's dad about it." Her tears were long gone filled with pure rage. I have never seen her this furious, ever. I step back, letting the family discuss their overgrown matter.

"Wren, you said Zain was willing to be with Khadija. Is it untrue Zain?" Why did I have a feeling that every page of the book is going to be flipped today?

Taking my hijab off, I let my hair breathe. Using the same hijab I start wiping my makeup but not removing my gaze from the unfolding drama in front of my eyes.

"My consent wasn't questioned. I was just told to go along with this engagement or Husna will suffer." Husna's eyes welled up in tears hearing her brother's word. Wren on the other hand was fuming in the epitome of anger.

"You better keep your mouth shut Zain or else-"

"Or else what? Huh? You'll beat him up again? Or will you blackmail Zain that if he doesn't listens to your stinking ass, Husna will have to face your beatings? Keep that threat to yourself and kiss my ass!" I did decide to stand out of all this but his words worked me up bad and I couldn't help but yell at him. My blood was boiling at his sight, yet I controlled myself not to kill him.

"Who the fućk are you, lady? Khalid she doesn't knows what she is talking about." He was acting like a saint who had never sinned in his entire life. This guy was peculating away my acting trophy.

"April, I would appreciate if you stay out of our family matters. You can leave now." Khalid has got to be kidding me. He doesn't realizes that I can disentangle this situation for him. His loss, not mine. He will face a massive headache trying to figure it all out on his own.

Turning around I walk to the exit and look over my shoulder to see that Khalid's attention wasn't on me anymore. I hide behind a curtain in the ladies section and peep through the hole which I created using my perfect pearl teeth.

"We should overlook the matter and complete the engagement." Why is guy so zealous to get Zain engaged to Khadija? What is his obscure intention?

"Wren, our children aren't consenting for this engagement and you still want it to take place? You lied to me saying that Zain agreed for this. And whatever April said, was that true? Did you raise your hand on your kids?" Wren's face hardened with Khalid's question.

I somehow know that this is going to be over today for good. But will end on a happy note or a sad note?

"What I do with my children is none of your concern. It shouldn't be your business if I abuse my child or kill them. Now get the engagement over with."

Oh Universe, this guy is like a broken record, stuck on the same word. Is he a retard or what?

Khadija steps in front of Wren with her hands curled in a fist."There will be no engagement."

As soon as she finished the sentence, Wren's hand slapped Khadija with such a force that she fell on the ground.

Abdullah in a second was beside his sister and on other hand, Khalid pounced on Wren landing a punch on his face.

He wasn't done with one and punched again. Zohra stepped in to hold her husband down but he wasn't in control.

Zain finally interrupts and stand between the two. Both men didn't seem to back down, glaring at each other.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" I cheer to motivate them and all head turned towards me.

Oops, I'm caught.

But what terrified me the most were the words spoken by someone.

"Ya Allah, my Zain."

Now who is this stranger? I'll give a hint. It's a... girl. Yup, you read right!

809876668 votes for next chapter! Because then you guys stick to my account pm-ing me to update :p

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