Chapter 2: Twins?

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Chapter 2: Twins

After going around classes watching them work (the most boring time of my life) it was lunch. Finally! We went got our food and sat down at a table in the middle of the dinning room. Me and Dick sat for about two minutes in witch I finished my lunch and he had had one fourth of his then a lovely girl called Barbra or Barbs as she called her self came and sat with us. I, Dick and Barbs all like comics and manga but Barbs was a total fan girl for it and she sat talking about her three favourite hero's: Kid flash, Robin and Batman. I couldn't help but blush when ever she mentioned me and Dick just sat blushing through the hole thing. Barbs then said "Robin and Kid flash totally have feelings for each other and it would be epically cute if they dated!" I couldn't hide the pink gracing my cheeks and I noticed how red Dick turned he seemed so quit and kind. "they should make out for the tv cameras" as she said that I almost spat milk everywhere and Dick had a coiffing fit!

"We are going to retreat to the library ill chat with you later Barbs." said Dick as we left to go to the library and Barbs walked to a table of girls. They the girl were texting, listening to music and giggling, finally this school was starting to seem more normal.

I checked the group of girl for Artemis she said she had moved her after I told her I had got a Wayne tech scholarship to come her and work part time at Wayne tech. she had the same scholarship but not the part time job. I was glad I had met Dick already because I was told he would be taking me to Wayne tech after school. I work from 4 - 4:30 fixing laptops and learning about tech.

As we entered the library Dick walked past all the tables to the back of the room and unlocked a door. We entered. "this room was made by Wayne tech so me and a max of three other friends can study privately and its sound proof." said the small genius. I gasped looking around the room. "Only I and Bruce have a key." said the small boy quietly. It had a sound system, TVs and lots of gadgets. He put on the air conditioning when he noticed me sweating, he used a small remote that seemed to control everything in the room. I had been sweating because now here silently looking at the boy I notice how cute he is and I'm getting a little turned on he's almost as cute as robin. He looks a lot like robin they could almost be twins. He big blue eyes focusing, his pink lips dusted by his breath, his raven hair and manly but small build they were all so gorgeous . His hair and build remind him of Robin and that must have been the last straw because next thing he knew they boy was against a wall. I had him against the wall my hips hard against him, his breath on my collar bone and my fingers on his waist. The boy moaned and I grabbed his facing kissing him deeply. "W-Wally?" said the boy softly. Realising what I was doing I moved my mouth of him and loosened my grip. "D-Dick I'm s-so s-sorry." the boy hanged drastically in those few seconds from cute to sexy, he did a grin that reminded me of Robins ass kicking grin. "Wally I didn't say s-stop." he said still sweet but with a hint of an evilness. He kissed me firmly as I ran my hands up his back and along his waist. A bell went and we headed over to the desk tidied our self's grabbed our bags and I got to smack his ass just before we left the room and he went straight back to shy him.

We headed towards a black limo and got in. Dick nodded at the driver and he drove off to Wayne tech . "this is Alfred he's my driver, butler and a good friend." said Richard as if he had bought him and was showing him off. "he's sort of like a grandfather to me." said the young boy sweetly. His blue diamond eyes looking at me as if I was a beautiful diamond sculpture. Blushed. We entered Wayne tech and sat silently fixing computers. When I was leaving Dick broke the silence "I like helping fix the computers so ill join you each day to do this." he said so quiet it was almost a whisper. I kissed him quickly and jogged round the corner . Once out of view I changed into costume and headed to the closest cave entrance when I got there Rob was waiting. "Since we both work her I thought I would wait for you." I smiled and said "how long have you been there?" ten minutes or so he said grinning and we entered the cave.



When we enterd mount justice there was no one there but red tornado he turned to us and said "good day Robin, Kid flash. Everyone is away on personal business I will also be leaving for personal reasons." I smiled. "so we get the place to ourselves?" I ask excitedly. "yes and goodbye." said Red dashing off. I sat n the couch across from the one Rob was on. "So how was your first day ?" ask the little birdie. "you know, I found your tracker on my bag and I saw one or two of the cams. I'm glad dick had his secret room or I would be stocked by you the hole time." I say grumpily. "I love my tech how did his lips taste good?" my heart stopped "h-how?" he rocked back into the soft couch "Hey I'm the boy wonder." he came and sat next to me "Oh, and your right he dose look like me. When you said hmmm he reminds me of some one and then jumped him about ten minutes later." I gasped as the boy wonder leaned into my personal space. " who said I meant you." I say trying to control myself. "well if its not then .." he touched my face and I almost melted and his touch "…why are you melting at my touch and if not this goes to waste!" he says putting my hand under his top to touch his abs. when I blushed he did his real laugh, his real laugh is a little less insane then his signature one.

I kissed him picking him up and speeding us into my bedroom. I locked the door and put the young hero on the bed leaning over him. As I placed myself on top of him our crotches touched and the younger boy moaned breath hot breath on my collar bone. It was hot but it was even hotter how it reminded me of dick. I got hotter and harder. Looking at Robin like this I realised they could be twins they look that alike. "W-Wally!" moaned the little bird as I put all my wait on our crotches without even realising. The younger boy swung his hips up to push against mine I went like jelly and moaned. The little sidekick took this chance to push me down and straddle me. The little bird blushed and said scared "I need to tell you something."

This is my second chapter thanks to one of my amazing new friends for inspiring me to start this!

Check her out she is THE BEST Bodyinthegarden :3

Thanks for reading please R&R.

A new acquaintance and an old friend. (Birdflash, wally west/ dick grayson)Where stories live. Discover now