Thank You Notes

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Okay first I want to thank you every single reader for getting to this point. I can't thank you enough, for wanting to listening to the story I have written. For reading it all through to the end. Even if you haven't voted or commented what you thought of this I still appreciate you, cause you read something I used so much time and energy of writing on.

I am thankful for all of you.

But there are a few people who I like to give that extra thank you to

and those are

n_e_v_e_r_l_a_n_d  Thank you for all the votes and the comments you have given both this and the first book. They always made me smile so bright and squeal with joy. Also I promise I will find the time to come up to date with your book, cause I really love, but school is keeping me so busy. 

Which is also a book you all should check out ;)

here is a link to it

Next one is the ever beautiful hazcentral. Oh god girl where to begin. Well I think I fell in love with your poetry long before you did with mine, like I think I start reading it around Christmas, can that be right ? but well then you followed me and you began reading this story Of Matin and Neoma and god I freaked out about your comments. Cause god you where one of my favourite writers on here. I couldn't believe it and then we started talking and now you are one of my dearest friends on here and I really can't wait to have more chats with you and just tell more stories to you. I love you and your support means the world to me. Thanks for being so lovely and just being a fan of my work.

you should also check out her poetry, like damn it is amazing *_*

NoiseOfSilence don't think you are getting out of this either, cause damn your support have been amazing and has never failed to make me feel very happy and proud of what I have written. You are a great person, with a very beautiful soul.

also last but not very least, my best friend in the entire world urbangurl123. I know you haven't finished reading this book, cause like me you are busy with school and writing your own stories. But you still deserve a spot on here, cause you are damn right my sister and my number one supporter when it comes to everything in life. I really can't wait to see what you think of this book, how you will respond to this. Though I am so anxious about it too, cause your opinion on anything of mine is the one I treasure the most.

I really wish I could dedicate this to all of you but frankly I can't, but I would if I could.

I wish you all the love in the world and may every star burn bright on your path.

xx Emilie

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