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Today was looking to be a great day in Forks. The sun was shining through its normally ever-present clouds. Birds singing their songs as they flew in the early morning.

Inside a small bedroom slept two girls. Well not really. One girl slept, while the other sat at a desk, watching a movie on a laptop.

Footsteps were heard coming towards the door. She looks over at the girl in the bed. "I know you are awake. Now get up so you can deal with him."

The body on the bed stirs but doesn't get up. Turning her head to face the one talking to her. "You deal with it. You're the one that's going to have to get used to him and learn to socialize nicely with others soon. Besides, I'm the one that actually needs sleep."

A low growl emanates from within the other girl's chest. It stops immediately when she looks into the now open eyes of the girl. It closes as the door opens.

"Oh... Good morning Victoria. I thought I heard noises so I came to check."

Victoria placed a smile on her face and turned to face him. "Morning Charlie. Sorry if I made to much noise. I was too nervous about my first day at Fork's High, and the trip with Bella to sleep much."

"I'm sure you'll be fine. I know Bella will gladly take good care of you. I still don't know how she got me to say yes for the trip, but be careful."

They finished their conversation then he left for work.

"See that wasn't so bad Vicky. I'm proud of you. Now you just have to survive high school with a bunch of smelly, hormonal teenagers for the rest of the year!" Bella laughed at Victoria's expression.

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with. I don't even know how you got me registered. Or found a way to explain my red eyes."

Victoria shook her head when she didn't get an explanation and joined Bella in getting ready.

Today was going to be a long one. Fist going to that damn school. Then going to the Collen's house to pick up whatever it is Bella says is there. Then finally, off to Italy.

Victoria knows one thing is certain. If they get killed it will entirely be Bella's fault.

Bella was positively giddy about today. She tried to not think about where the day will lead cause then she would know. And that would take away from the excitement and fun she will have.

Bella looks at herself in the mirror. Admiring how the clothes Alice bought her looked on her body.

Bella remembered all the times Alice dragged her shopping. Making her try on almost everything. She frowned when she thought of how she has to pretend to hate it.

"It won't be long before I see you and the rest again."


"Alice please calm down. We made this decision as a family." Carlisle explained for like the thousands time since they left Forks.

The rest of the Collen's family looks at him like he grew another head. There all thinking the same thing.

They didn't decide shit as a family!

They all got ready to shout back at him. But surprisingly, it was Rosalie that spoke first.

"Last time I checked Carlisle, we did no such thing. It was your precious golden boy Edward who decided to up and leave. And you like always, did what he said. And where the hell is he now huh?"

Rosalie was standing up by this point. Yelling louder with each word.

"Oh yeah. As soon as we got here, he left! We didn't want to leave. He could have left himself and left us alone to stay with Bella like we wanted!"

The house was completely silent. All eyes wide and in Rosalie's direction. Carlisle's eyes narrowed as he looked at her. "Why do you care so much? We all knew you hated her." That statement caused her to laugh.

"I never hated her. I hated the fact she was with him. We spent time together. Teaching her how to take care of the car I bought her. Or I would go to her at night sometimes just to talk. She is like a little sister to me. She was too good for his pompous ass!"


"Okay. Could you explain this to me again? I'm still trying to wrap this around my head." Victoria asked as she watched Bella get dressed in their hotel room in Italy.

Bella faced Victoria after she finished getting dressed.

"Ok. First of all, I already told you why I'm going to help you with your revenge and in doing so, help me out. I asked you to bite me, then suck out the venom when we arrived last night for two reasons."

Bella sat down on the same way Victoria was on the bed. Legs folded Indian style. Victoria looked into Bella's eyes, expecting the same outcome as last time. What she didn't expect was to be looking into warm chocolate brown eyes that made her feel at ease.

Bella smiled when she saw Victoria's body relax. It pleased her that Vicky was not scared of her anymore.

"First, we are about to walk into the home of a large ass coven of human drinkers. Where the majority of them are with gifts. I don't want you getting hurt because of me. Now that you bit me, you got a little of my blood and me your venom. Yours made me a little stronger so I can protect you better. I also gave you a little extra gift."

Victoria sat there with wide eyes. Letting what Bella said sink in.

Why would she want to protect me? Let alone, if what she is saying is true, give me a gift. I was about to kill her not even full there days ago! Those were the thoughts running through her head.

Bella sighed. Shaking her head at what she knew Vicky was thinking.

"Vicky. Stop right there. I know what you're thinking and it doesn't matter that you tried to kill me. I think of you like family. And before you even bring up the incident in the woods. That was not intentional. You caught the tail end of a mood swing. You might not believe me but that's the truth. That's why I gave you what I did. Along with your gift, you already have, you now have a mental shield like me. Well, it won't be able to shield you from me, but you don't have anything to worry about that."

The two continued to talk with each other till they were ready to head out.

It was time to handle some business.


The clicking of heels was heard through the halls of the castle.

Why did it have to be me he sent to fetch his guests! I asked to go on a mission. Not this! And to make matters worse. One of them is a filthy human.

I got taken out of my thoughts by the most mouth-watering scent I have ever come across.

Walking in the reception area I see a red headed vampire talking to the human that has that delicious aroma. Her back is facing me so she doesn't see me. What I find odd is that, no matter how tasty she smells, I do not crave her blood.

My eyes lock with gorgeous brown eyes that just drew me in. In that moment I knew why I didn't crave her blood.

I Jane Volturi. Sadistic bitch. Half of the witch twins. Feared by many.

Have a human as a mate!


Thank you guys who are reading this book. If you like it so far Follow and see what adventures are next!

The Sweetest Love is Pain (Lesbian Stories) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now