49- What in the world?!

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The gang was extremely shocked at what had just happened. Willow was staring at the book in front of her and wouldn't move, I wasn't sure whether we should talk to her or not.

'Willow?' Xander asked

'Yes?' She snapped up looking at us all, her eyes sparkling.

'What just happened?' I asked

'I just took the magic out of the book' she told us 'as long as that tiny gold petal is sealed in the backing of the book, no magic can be drawn from it'

'How did you do that?' Spike asked

'I don't know. It was just in my head' she explained

'Makes sense' Xander smiled awkwardly

'Okay so we are going to give this book to Angelus, we are going to do a trade with him, the book for Tara. It's simple' she told us

'Then what?' Spike asked 'shouldn't we like take him out? Or something?'

'Yeah I don't think we should just let him go with the book' Giles admitted

'Well how do we take him out?' Xander asked 'Buffy?'

'I'm thinking, I'm thinking' I said waving my hands in the air to hush them.

'I'm not sure' I replied 'Spike?' I asked with hopeful eyes

'God I'm not sure, last time it took you forever to finally take him out!' He replied

'I've got a plan' Buffy laughed.

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