Chapter Two

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Dan's P.O.V

We have literally been waiting here for three hours. Phil has fallen asleep and I envy him for that, I wish I could doze of to pass the time, but in all probability I have a concussion, and everyone knows that you can't sleep with a concussion. Each time the nurse comes into the room to call out the next lucky patient, I pray to whatever God is listening that she'll call my name... with my luck you can imagine that she hasn't. I look over to Phil, he is so cute when he's sleeping. A grin stretches across my face when I ponder the situation I'm in right now. Who would have believed that I would be at the hospital, at four in the morning, with the cute boy I saw in the coffee shop? Not me, that's for sure.

I wonder if we'll be friends after this, maybe we'll exchange numbers and see each other every once and a while. Or maybe after tonight I'll never see him again. Maybe him coming here was just something he felt like he was obligated to do... or maybe it was something else. I wonder if--

"Mr. Howell?" The nurse calls out, interrupting me from the thoughts consuming my mind. "The doctor will see you now."

"Uh, yes, that's me." I tap Phil on the head and stand up.

Phil stands up a few moments after I do, acting as if he had never even fallen asleep. "Is it your turn now?" The last of his sentence is engulfed in a yawn

"Yes." I gently tug on his sleeve, indication that he should follow me.

As we're about to enter the tiny office, the nurse stops Phil. "I'm sorry sir, but you can't go in if you aren't family." She says sternly.

Phil looks at me, asking me what he should do without words. I jump in, "He's uh- my husband."

"I'm sorry... Mr. 'Howell' is it?" She asks.

"Uh, ya. It's okay." Phil smiles at her and at that she leaves us alone in the room.

Once we get in, I plop down on the bed, thankful for something softer to sit on than literal 'pain in the ass waiting room chairs'. The room is fully white, just as you would expect a hospital room to be. The only furnishing in the room is a bed, a plastic chair and a desk. The walls are lined with medical equipment like blood pressure pumps and those things they put in your ears when you go for a checkup. The room is small and I'm beginning to feel a bit claustrophobic in here, but I think that may be a side effect of the head injury because I'm not usually claustrophobic. Phil looks over at me, trying to hide a smile.

"So we're married now?" He asks, laughing.

"Of course Mr. Howell." I wink. That probably seemed so awkward why did I do that.

I have these times where I do things in real life and play it off as if it's nothing but on the inside I am literally internally devouring myself in a pit of ugh. Now was one of those times. I had only just met Phil, I don't even know his last name, and I just told a hospital nurse that we're married. He must think I'm so weird.

"I hope you don't mind that I said that... I just really didn't want to be by myself. I don't like the doctors, and I especially don't like the hospital." I say, looking at the ground.

"I don't mind at all." He sits down beside me, wresting his hand on my leg. "I'm glad that I can help."

I look down at his hand, his touch makes every nerve in my body stand on end. He feels me tense up and he takes away his hand. It feels wrong but I want him to touch me again. Is it that wrong to be longing the touch from a stranger? I guess I can't really consider him a stranger anymore, I mean, he's been through more with me this past night than some of my friends have in years. Even with that strong point, I don't know anything about him. All I know is that there is something about him that puts my priorities way out of wack. My head has been gushing blood for nearly three and a half hours and the only thing I have managed to think of clearly is him.

"Hello" He doctor says as he walks in and closes the door behind him. "I would ask you what seems to be the problem but... I think I can tell." He laughs, thinking that his joke was funny. Maybe some other time it would be funny but right now, I just want him to do his thing and send me home. "So why don't you tell me exactly what happened?"

"Uh, okay." I start. "So a few hours ago I was in this coffee shop, I took a walk down there because I couldn't sleep. I stayed there for a bit but then I realized the time and I needed to be home. I was in the middle of rushing out of the shop when I tripped on my laces and fell on the floor and my head hit the ground." I explained.

"Wow, sounds like you've been having a rough night." He sighs, inspecting my head wound.

"You can say that again." I yawn, only now realizing just how tired I am. There's no way I can go to class tomorrow.

The doctor takes a cloth and wipes away he dried blood, proceeding to disinfect the laceration with some rubbing alcohol- which by the way, hurt like a bitch. After saying some things that sounded way to smart and medical for me or Phil to understand properly, he said that I would need stitches and that I have a minor concussion and I would be fine.

He takes out all of the supplies he'll need to stitch me up, which include a needle, some thread, some numbing cream, disinfectant wipes and bandages. Phil looks away, I guess this kind of stuff makes him feel uneasy. I can't blame him, I wouldn't be looking either. I close my eyes and before know it, I can feel the needle entering my forehead over and over again, bringing my skin closer and closer together. It hurts, really fucking bad. Overall, I got 12 stitches.

One I was I was all bandaged up with my head throbbing immensely, it was time to go home. We called another taxi to bring us back to my house, I invited Phil in for coffee and he agreed. I mean, where else would he have to be at five in the morning on a Tuesday night. Once we're inside, I put on the coffee pot and we both sit on the couch while waiting for it to brew.

"Sooooo..." I said, at a loss for words.

"So." He retorts.

"Tonight was fun, we should do it again sometimes" I laugh, leaning my head against the couch.

"Oh definitely!"

Within minutes, I could feel myself start to doze off, but I fight the sleepiness that I feel. Phil and I spend the next hour and a half talking about the most random things. What anime shows we watch, our families, jobs, really just everything. It was nice. I hadn't connected like that with someone in a long time. There is rarely a point were neither of us are talking, but now is one of those times and I take this time as an opportunity to finally get a closer look of his beautiful sky blue eyes. They're easy to get lost in.

"Your eyes are beautiful." I say, feeling my own eyes start to get heavier.

"You think so?" He sounds surprised which is weird. With eyes like that, he should be used to getting compliments.

"Mhm." I say, closing my eyes and snuggling into the side of the couch.

"Are you falling asleep? Because if you want some rest I could go home, if you would like." He suggest.

"Oh, no. I'm not falling asleep." He say, while being half asleep.

There isn't much I remember after that point, but what I do remember is feeling his warm body cuddle into mine as he begins to slide into unconsciousness as well. I'd say, it was one of the best sleeps that I've had in a long time...


I hope you're all liking it so far!!! I know that there hasn't been much going on, but I need to start somewhere. I promise it will start to pick up in the next chapter. Just bear with me <3

It All Started In A Coffee ShopWhere stories live. Discover now