Task Two Entries

25 2 7

TammiCharles's entry.


Miss_Gentleman_3rd's entry



icypenguin17's entry

I was sitting on a floor, and that floor wasn't made of the White Tiles at my School. My eyes lifted up, and what I saw was AMAZING! My nose started working, and I could smell the delicious scent of cookies wafting through the air.

For some reason, I was in a maze. I didn't really pay attention to it, though, because the walls were made of COOKIES!!! And they weren't regular cookies; they were CHOCOLATE CHIP!

My mouth started watering, and I ran forward so I could gobble up the whole wall. Before I chomped down, I noticed a gigantic digital clock ticking. It said 23:57:03. It kept ticking down and down and down...... Was that how much time I had in this maze? What would happen if I was still in here after it reached zero? There must be an exit somewhere!

I decided to follow my instincts, and turned to random directions - Left, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right, Right..........


I glanced in front of me, and thee was another clock ticking. It said 22:41:57. Was I really in here for more then an hour already?! I sat down, deciding to take a break, and tore of a chunk of cookie from the wall.

"Mmm!" I said out loud with a full mouth, making crumbs go everywhere. "This is delicious!" I ate the whole piece of cookie and almost got another one, but then I heard a grumbling noise. What was that?

I looked up and saw a gigantic grizzly bear. It wasn't a normal one, though. The size was as tall as a mansion, and s fat as a mansion too. Kind of like the White House. It also had red eyes and a tail, along with some hair surrounding its head,

The "Bear" came towards me on two legs, and ROARED!!! What type of bear roars?! Unless it was a Lion-Bear Combo. That would explain the tail and hair.

Not knowing what to do, I panicked and ran the other way. The Bear-Lion (Bion? Lear?) chased after me.

I reached a corner, and turned to the Right, but there was a Penguin/Butterfly Combo there. It actually looked adorable, but it's antennas were as sharp as a super-sharp knife, and it almost cut me. I dodged it and was about to go the other way, but a Whale with a Turtle Shell showed up. Turtles are usually slow, but this one was going super-duper-DUPER fast.

What was I going to do?! I was cornered by a Bion/Lear, a Putterfly/Benguin, and a Wurtle/Tale. Suddenly, I got an idea that I should have thought of a long time ago.

I turned around to face a gigantic cookie wall, and started to tear it all off and make an opening. Within a few seconds, right as they neared towards me, the gap became big enough for me to squeeze in. I ran as fast as I could in random directions until I bumped into gate plastered onto a cookie wall, with a key right next to it. The gate had a lock in it, so the key must fit in that!

I picked up the key (which turned out to be REALLY big and heavy), and slammed it into the lock and turned it. The gate opened at 21:39:37 to reveal........

nivz92's entry


kms162002's entry


FlyOverSky's entry



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