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Who wants a nightmare before Christmas one shot rp well me and miss fangz did so this was created.

The + are me (nemo) and the _ are fangz.

"Pete who are you talking you?" I said very sweetly as I walked into his room sewing up my hand that came off again "They are waiting for you outside pumpkin king"
"Oh hello " I smiled my twisted smile
I smiled back, "Hello. Now hurry and get out there their all waiting"
" I don't know anymore I feel like there is something more waiting for me than this"
"What do you mean? You've been doing this forever you can't just change it" I walked over to him putting a hand on his skeleton shoulder.
"As much as I love causing fright I'm tired of just waiting for one night a year"
"Well we could have Halloween everyday if that would make you happy?" I smiled at him with my sewed on mouth
"No I'm just getting far too old to be running about these old bones aren't as strong as they used to be"
"Well then what do you want?" I looked into his hollow eyes
"Everything to be over its time for me to step down who knows maybe sandman and Benzedrine can take my place " I sighed
"But you're the pumpkin king, where will you go?"
" I don't know yet maybe I'll go on an adventure I'd like to see something's before I die again "
"But what will you tell them?"
"That the king is dead"
"But Pete I don't want you to leave"
" I just want to be happy I can't do that in a place where the only way to get it is to hurt people "
"Well can I come with you?"
"Stay here it will be safe " I smiled pulling my suit jacket on
"But I don't want you to leave, I would miss you"
"There is no need to I'm not staying gone for forever "
"What are we supposed to do while you're gone?" I tried to act as though I wasn't like in love with him
"You all don't even see me when I'm here"
"I do" I whispered
I blinked and if I had skin it would be pink, sempi noticed me.
"Petey are you alright?"
"Oh yes" I smiled
"I guess if you have to umm you could go" I sighed sadly
"Do not fear I shall return "
"But how long?"
" I do not know lunchbox "
"Why did you just call me lunchbox?" I giggled
"You get to call me petey it's only fair" I chuckled
"But Petey is just a cute nickname, what does lunchbox mean?" I smiled
"You'll never know "
"Oh and why won't I?" I looked at him crossing my dead arms
" it is the only secret my missing heart holds"
"And what secret is that?"
" If I told it wouldn't be a secret " I chuckled as I went to walk out the door
I grabbed his bony arm, "Petey wait when you get back I have to tell you something"
I turned to face him " yes lunch box?"
"I ummmm"
" Patrick?" I said to the empty room my voice showing how hurt and fragile I was
I lost a leg on the way there but I still ran just running because I was hopelessly in love
I sighed and decided to follow him
I stopped on the spiral branch overlooking the graveyard as the moon was the only light
"Hey I think you dropped something " I said walking beside him
I sighed as he handed me my leg, "Thanks" I reached down and sewed it up myself
I smiled at him sitting down next to him
"Petey I'm sorry for running out I just didn't know how to tell you"
"It's okay lunchbox "
"I just didn't know how to tell you that I'm-"
" Patrick I'm in love with you I figured I should tell you before I leave "
"Wait what? Say that again I could've sworn you said you were in love with me"
"That I did"
The smile on my face grew, "Petey I'm-"
"Ah pumpkin king we are waiting " Joe put me over his shoulder carrying me " no wait I have to talk to hi-"
"I'm in love with you too" I whispered
I stopped and just let myself be carried
I stood up and called after him, "I'm in love with you too Pete!"
"Wait really?!" I pushed Joe away stumble running to Patrick
I giggled, "yes really"
I hugged Patrick " I'm glad " I whispered
I hugged him back, "so what now?"
" I'm staying here with you if you want me here " I mumbled into his neck
"I do want you here but you said you wanted a break"
"From scaring people all the time"
"But I though you needed a break from me especially" I sighed
"Why would I need to take a break from someone I love you are the reason I stayed as long as I did"
I smiled slightly, "but why love a dead thing who's always losing body parts?"
" I'm a skeleton man I'm always dead and I love what's inside "
"Yes but I'm just made up of body parts that aren't even together"
I blushed slightly, "ummm"
"Yes? I know I know I'm bad at flirting I've never had to or wanted to"
"You're cute" I kissed his bony cheek
If I could have I would have blushed
"I do really love you Petey" I smiled
" I really love you too "
I smiled as I leaned in on my tippy toes to kiss him
I smiled slightly
"Petey a kiss?"
I kissed him gently
Once my lips touched his bony ones i felt sparks
I smiled slightly injured the kiss feeling shivers up my spine
I smiled back into the kiss as sparks flew
I pulled back smiling " I love you "
"I love you too" I smiled brightly
I hugged him tightly
I giggled hugging him back just as tight
I spun him around laughing
"Petey what are you doing?" I giggled
" I don't know I never know the only thing I do know is I love you "
I smiled, "and I love you too very much" I kissed his bony lips again
I kissed him back
the kiss was sparked and lovely like always
I smiled
And standing under the moon light with Pete is something I've dreamt about forever, I thought you could only have skin and bones and a working heart to fall in love but I guess I was all wrong because I love him and I don't have a working heart and he loves me and he doesn't have skin and bones just a hollow heart. Love is love and it comes in all shapes and sizes and I found him my skeleton love......



Wow over 1000 words awesome.

Bye nemo and whatever fangz calls her readers.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2015 ⏰

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